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Kanji: Radical: (さじのひ) : ホク; きた; north
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 751 Index in Halpern dictionary: 197
Japanese Reading English
西きたたいせいようじょうやく(n) North Atlantic Treaty/
ほくちょう(n) Northern Dynasty/
ほくおうNorthern Europe/land of the Norsemen/Scandinavia/
ほっこくあかえび sweet shrimp (prawn)/
北辰ほくしん(n) North-Star/
きたかぜ(n) north wind/(P)/
ほくりく(n) region west of Tokyo on Japan Sea side of Japan/
ほっかいどうかいはつちょうちょうかん Director General of Hokkaido Development Agency/
きたちょうせん North Korea/
ほくおうしょこくnorthern countries/Scandinavian countries/(P)/
ぺきんBeijing (China)/(P)/
ほくしNorth China/
ほっかいどう Hokkaido (the northest administrative division of Japan)
ほくばく(n) bombing North (Vietnam)/
北のきたのかた(n) nobleman's true wife/facing the north/
北アメリカきたアメリカNorth America/
ほくおうじん Northern European/Norsemen/Scandinavian/
北にいたきたにむいたまど window to the north/
ほっぽう(n) northern (district)/northward/(P)/
北枕きたまくら(n) turning the head to the north in sleeping/
きたぐに(n) northern provinces/northern countries/
ほくとせい (n) the Great Bear/the Great Dipper/Ursa Major/(P)/
北北ほくほくとう(n) north-north-east/nor-nor-east/(P)/
西ほくせいこうろNorthwest Passage/
ほっきょくぐま(n) polar bear/
ほくおうしんわNorse mythology/
ほくようぎょぎょうnorthern-sea fisheries/
きたぐち(n) north entrance/
ほっきょうnorthern boundary/
ほっこく(n) northern provinces/northern countries/
北嶺ほくれいnorthern mountain/Mt. Hiei/
ほくめん(n) north face/north side/the north/facing north/
ろしきたおろしcold wind from the northern uplands/
北北西ほくほくせい(n) north-northwest/
ほっこうnorthbound/sailing north/
ほくへきnorthern cliff/
ほっきょくけん Arctic Circle/(P)/
きたもん(n) north gate/
西きたたいせいようじょうやくきこう(n) NATO/North Atlantic Treaty Organization/
ほくたん(n) northern extremity/
北カリフォルニアほくカリフォルニア Northern California/
ほっこうsailing north/
ほっかい(n) northern sea/North Sea/
ほくぶ(n) north/northern part/(P)/
ほくせんNorth Korea/
北アイルラ ンドきたアイルランドNorthern Ireland/
ほくへん(n) northern extremity/
ほっかいどう northernmost of four main islands of Japan/(P)/