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Kanji: Radical: (じゅう) : セン、ゼン; ; thousand
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 3 Index in Nelson dictionary: 156 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3411
Japanese Reading English
せんりょうやくしゃ(n) star (actor)/prima donna/leading figure/
ちどり(n) plover/
ちとせあめ(n) red and white candy stick soldat children's festivals/
せんまんむりょう(adj-na,n) innumerable/unfathomable/unutterable/
せんぎりだいこんdried radish strips/
せんぺんいちりつ(n) humdrum/lack of variety/monotony/
せんにちこう (n) globe amaranth/
ちぎれぐも (n) scattered clouds/
せんどthousand times/
千々 にちぢに(adv) in pieces/
せんにちて (n) potentially endless repetition of moves/
せんまん(n) 10,000,000/ten million/myriad/
せんえんさつ (n) 1,000 Yen bill/(P)/
せんやmany nights/
せんぶんひ (n) rate per thousand/
せんづり(male) masturbation/
ちばけん prefecture next to Tokyo/
ちよろず(adv,n-t) exceedingly/very many/very much/indeed/a great many/
ちぎ(n) ornamental crossed rafter ends on shrine gables/
せんこ(n-adv,n-t) all ages/great antiquity/eternity/
せんきゃくばんらい(n) flood of customers/(doing) a roaring business/
せんぶんdivision by 1000/one-thousandth/
せんしゅう(n) thousand years/many years/
ちとせ(n) thousand years/
千仭せんじんgreat depth/great height/
せんねんき millennium/
せんまいずけ pickled sliced radishes/
せんきゅうひゃくねんだ いthe 1900s/
せんぶんりつ (n) permillage/rate per thousand/
せんさばんべつ(adj-na,n) an infinite variety of/
千千ちぢ(n) thousands/great number of/variety/
千仞せんじん(n) bottomless/
千篇 せんぺんいちりつ (n) humdrum/lack of variety/monotony/
せんじん(n) thousand fathoms/great depth/bottomless/
せんりょうばこ (n) box of 1000 ryou/
せんいちや Thousand and One Nights/
り瓢箪せんなりぴょうたんbottle gourd/ensign bearing cluster of gourds/
せんげんばんご(n) many words/
せんにんばり (n) 1000-stitch belt (a soldier's charm)/
千千せんせん(n) thousands/great number of/variety/
せんぺんばんか(n) innumerable changes/infinite variety/
千千にちぢに(adv) in pieces/
せんじゃふだ (n) slips of paper posted on shrine pillar's by pilgrims/
せんりょ(n) much thought/
れるちぎれる(v1) to be torn off/to be torn to pieces/(P)/
せんばづる(n) (string of) 1000 paper cranes/
せんにちone thousand days/