千両役者 | せんりょうやくしゃ | (n) star (actor)/prima donna/leading
figure/ |
千鳥 | ちどり | (n) plover/ |
千歳飴 | ちとせあめ | (n) red and white candy stick soldat children's
festivals/ |
千万無量 | せんまんむりょう | (adj-na,n)
innumerable/unfathomable/unutterable/ |
切り大根 | せんぎりだいこん | dried radish strips/ |
千編一律 | せんぺんいちりつ | (n) humdrum/lack of variety/monotony/ |
千日紅 | せんにちこう
| (n) globe amaranth/ |
千切れ雲 | ちぎれぐも
| (n) scattered clouds/ |
千度 | せんど | thousand times/ |
に | ちぢに | (adv) in
pieces/ |
千日手 | せんにちて
| (n) potentially endless repetition of
moves/ |
千 | ち | thousand/many/(P)/ |
千万 | せんまん | (n) 10,000,000/ten million/myriad/ |
千円札 | せんえんさつ
| (n) 1,000 Yen bill/(P)/ |
千夜 | せんや | many nights/ |
千分比 | せんぶんひ
| (n) rate per thousand/ |
千釣り | せんづり | (male) masturbation/ |
千 | せん | 1000 |
千葉県 | ちばけん
| prefecture next to Tokyo/ |
千万 | ちよろず | (adv,n-t) exceedingly/very many/very much/indeed/a great
many/ |
千木 | ちぎ | (n) ornamental crossed rafter ends on shrine
gables/ |
千古 | せんこ | (n-adv,n-t) all ages/great antiquity/eternity/ |
千客万来 | せんきゃくばんらい | (n) flood of customers/(doing) a roaring
business/ |
千分 | せんぶん | division by 1000/one-thousandth/ |
千秋 | せんしゅう | (n) thousand years/many years/ |
千歳 | ちとせ | (n) thousand years/ |
千仭 | せんじん | great depth/great height/ |
千年期 | せんねんき
| millennium/ |
千枚漬け | せんまいずけ
| pickled sliced radishes/ |
千九百年代 | せんきゅうひゃくねんだ
い | the 1900s/ |
千分率 | せんぶんりつ
| (n) permillage/rate per thousand/ |
千差万別 | せんさばんべつ | (adj-na,n) an infinite variety of/ |
千千 | ちぢ | (n) thousands/great number of/variety/ |
千仞 | せんじん | (n) bottomless/ |
一律 | せんぺんいちりつ
| (n) humdrum/lack of
variety/monotony/ |
千尋 | せんじん | (n) thousand fathoms/great
depth/bottomless/ |
千両箱 | せんりょうばこ
| (n) box of 1000 ryou/ |
千一夜 | せんいちや
| Thousand and One Nights/ |
千成り瓢箪 | せんなりぴょうたん | bottle gourd/ensign bearing cluster of
gourds/ |
千言万語 | せんげんばんご | (n) many words/ |
万長者 | せんばんちょうじゃ | multimillionaire/billionaire/ |
千人針 | せんにんばり
| (n) 1000-stitch belt (a soldier's
charm)/ |
千千 | せんせん | (n) thousands/great
number of/variety/ |
千変万化 | せんぺんばんか | (n) innumerable changes/infinite variety/ |
千千に | ちぢに | (adv) in pieces/ |
社札 | せんじゃふだ
| (n) slips of paper posted on shrine pillar's by
pilgrims/ |
千慮 | せんりょ | (n) much thought/ |
千切れる | ちぎれる | (v1) to be torn off/to be torn to
pieces/(P)/ |
千羽鶴 | せんばづる | (n) (string of) 1000 paper cranes/ |
千日 | せんにち | one thousand days/ |