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Kanji: Radical: (ぼくのと) : セン; し(める)、うらな(う); occupy
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 799 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2003
Japanese Reading English
せんせいじゅつ (n) astrology/
せんゆうりつ (n) (market) share/
占むしむ(v5) (arch) to occupy/to hold/to command/to account for/
占いてるうらないあてる(v1) to divine/
せんじゅう(vs) occupying/
せんしゅけん right of preoccupancy/
占めた しめたI've got it/all right/fine/
占いうらない(n) fortune telling/(P)/
占卜せんぼく(n) divination/fortunetelling/soothsaying/
せんよう(n) exclusive use/personal use/
せんりょうちたいoccupied zone/
せんりょう(n,vs) occupation/capture/possession/have a room to oneself/(P)/
せんきょ(n) occupation/
せんきょ(n,vs) occupying a certain place/
占いうらないし(n) diviner/fortuneteller/soothsayer/palmist/
せんりょうぐん army of occupation/
うらないし(n) diviner/fortuneteller/soothsayer/palmist/
うらやさんa diviner/
うらぶみdiviner's book/
せんゆうけん (n) right of exclusive possession/
占めるしめる(v1) to comprise/to hold/to occupy/(P)/
しめじ(n) type of kinoku mushroom/
せんりょうか (adj-na) occupied (by an army)/
せんりょうち occupied territory/
せんきょち occupied territory/
うらないしゃ(n) diviner/fortuneteller/soothsayer/palmist/
占ううらなう(v5u) to forecast/to predict/(P)/
せんゆう(n,vs) exclusive possession/(P)/