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Kanji: Radical: (がんだれ) : コウ; あつ(い); thick
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 824 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3003
Japanese Reading English
こうれいheartfelt thanks/
あついた(n) plank/thick board/plate glass/heavy metal sheet (esp. welding)/heavy brocaded obi/
厚い あつい(adj) cordial/kind/warm(hearted)/thick/deep/(P)/
あつみ(n) thickness/profound/
厚さあつさ(n) thickness/(P)/
こうしょう(n) Welfare Minister/(P)/
厚かましいあつかましい(adj) impudent/shameless/brazen/(P)/
あつがみ(n) cardboard/thick paper/(P)/
こうい(n) kindness/favor/(P)/
こうせいねんきんwelfare pension/
厚 くべるあつくれいをのべる (exp) to thank (a person) heartily/
厚いてなしあついもてなしcordial reception/
こうおん(n) great favor/obligation/
あつぎ(n) wearing thick clothes/(P)/
あつげしょう (n) thick or heavy make-up/
こうせいしょう Ministry of Health and Welfare/(P)/
こうじょう(n) kindness/favour/hospitality/
あつあげ(n) thick fried tofu/
こうりlarge profits/
厚臼 あつうす(n) stone hand mill/
こうはく(n) thickness/partiality/
あつで(adj-na,adj-no,n) thick (paper, etc.)/
厚誼こうぎ(n) your kindness/
こうせいねんきんほけんwelfare annuity insurance/
厚みあつみ(n) thickness/profound/
こうがんむち(adj-na,n) shameless/brazen and unscrupulous/
こうがん(adj-na,n) impudence/audacity/(P)/
こうぐう(n) cordial welcome/kind treatment/
あつかわ(adj-na,n) thick hide/shamelessness/
あつじ(n) thick cloth/
こうせいしせつwelfare facilities/
あつぎり(n) thick slice/
あつぞこ(n) thick-soled footwear, popular in the late 1990s/
こうせい(n) public welfare/Welfare Ministry/(P)/
こうし(n) kind intention/kind thought/
こうせいだいじん(n) Minister of Health and Welfare/
厚ぼったいあつぼったい(adj) very thick/heavy/
あつやき(n) thickly sliced food/