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Kanji: Radical: () : サン; まい(る); participate
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 850 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2066
Japanese Reading English
参洛さんらくgoing to the capital/
さんちゃく(n) arrival/payment on sight/
さんかい(n) attendance (at a meeting)/
さんしゅう(n) assembling (of people)/
さんせん(n) participation in a war/
さんにゅう(n,vs) coming/visiting/going/
さんかこく (n) participating nation/
さんきんこうたい(n) daimyo's alternating Edo residence/
殿さんでん(n) palace visit/
さんこうとしょ(n) reference book (work)/
さんがちょう congratulatory visitor's book/
さんどう(n) visiting a home or a shrine/
さんしょう(n,vs) reference/consultation/consultation/(P)/
参詣さんけいにんworshiper/visitor to temple or shrine/
さんしゃく(n,vs) comparison and choosing the good/consultation/referring to/
さんいんせん (n) (abbr) member of the House of Councillors/
さんかしゃ participant/entrant/
さんぜん(n) Zen meditation/
さんこうしりょうreference data/
さんぐう(n) visit to the Ise Shrine/
さんれつしゃ attendant/
参らせるまいらせる(v1) to beat/to floor (someone)/to bring (someone) to his knees/to come/
さんよしゃ participant/
さんこうにん (n) a person given as a reference/
さんこうひん reference materials/
さんちょう(n) visiting the palace/
さんぼう(n) staff officer/participating in planning/(P)/
さんせいけん (n) suffrage/franchise/(P)/
さんじ(n) secretary/councillor/
さんが(n) congratulatory palace visit/
さんどう(n) road approaching a shrine/
参るまいる(v5r) (hum) to go/to come/to call/to visit/to visit a shrine/to be defeated/to be nonplussed/to be madly in love/to die/(P)/
さんぎ(n) councillor/participation in government/
参籠さんろう(n,vs) retirement (to a temple of shrine) for prayer/
さんがしゃ congratulatory visitors/
さんぎいんぎいん member of the House of Councillors/
さんじょう(n,vs) calling on/visiting/
さんかいしき(n) sense of participation/
さんいん(n) (abbr) House of Councillors/
さんじかい a council/
さんか(n,vs) participation/(P)/
さんこうしょ (n) reference book/(P)/
さんだい(n) palace visit/
さんよかん parliamentary councillor/
さんかきぼうしゃ those interested in participating/persons wishing to participate/
参詣さんけい(n) temple or shrine visit/pilgrimage/homage/
さんこう(n,vs) reference/consultation/(P)/
さんぼうちょう (n) chief of staff/