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Kanji: Radical: (また) : ソウ; ふた; pair
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 859 Index in Halpern dictionary: 25
Japanese Reading English
そうけん(n) shoulders/(P)/
そうしゅ(n) (1) (with) both hands/(2) approvingly/
そうきゃく(n) both feet/
そうし(n) copybook/notebook/storybook/fiction/books/
双のそうのてboth hands/
そうほう(adj-no,n-adv,n) two way/both parties/mutual/both/(P)/
そうしゃbijection (math)/
そうじゅうせつ (n) the Double Tenth/October 10/the Chinese national holiday/
そうたいreciprocity (math)/
もろて(n) (1) (with) both hands/(2) approvingly/
双璧そうへき(n) pair of bright jewels/matchless things/matchless people/
ふたば(n) bud/sprout/
双蹄 そうていcloven foot/
そうきゅうきん (n) diplococcus/
そうせい(n) bearing twins/twins/
ふたござ (n) Gemini/
そうよく(n) both wings/
ふたご(n) twins/a twin/(P)/
そうかくるい (n) bivalves/
そうふく(n) pair of hanging scrolls/
すごろく(n) a child's dice game/
そうどうき (n) twin-fuselage plane/
双蹄獸そうていじゅうcloven-hoofed animal/
ふたなり(n) hermaphrodite/
駱駝そうほうらくだtwo-humped camel/Bactrian camel/
そうあんしゃ twin propellers/
そうしよう dicotyledon/
そうとう(n) double-headed/
そうきょくせん (n) hyperbolic curve/hyperbola/
そうがん(n) both eyes/binocular/
そうしょ(n) series (of publications)/library (of literature)/
そうご(n) mutual/reciprocal/
双眸そうぼう(n) pair of eyes/
そうがんきょう (n) binoculars/field glasses/(P)/
てるそうがんきょうに めをあてる(exp) to put binoculars to one's eyes/
ふ たpair/set/(P)/
そうはつ(n) two-motored/
そうりん(n) two wheels/
そうむけいやくbilateral agreement/
そうはつき (n) two-motored plane/
そうせいじ (n) twins/(P)/
そうしようしょくぶつ (n) dicotyledon/