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Kanji: Radical: (また) : シュ; とる、と(り); take
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3699 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1262< tr class='WordListKanji'>
Japanese Reading English
しゅとく(n) acquisition/(P)/
とりあつかい(n) treatment/service/handling/management/(P)/
取りとりこみさぎconfidence trick/
取りとりかこむ(v5m) to surround/to crowd around/(P)/
取りがすとりにがす(v5s) to let slip/to fail to catch/
取りわせとりあわせ(n) an assortment/combination/
取りめるとりきめる(v1) to agree/to decide upon/to enter into (a contract)/
取りとりひきさき (n) customer/client/
取りとりかえ(n) swap/exchange/(P)/
とりせつ(abbr) users' manual/
とりきめ(n) decision/agreement/(P)/
まりとりしまり(n) control/management/supervision/(P)/
しゅしゃ(n) choice/option/rejection or adoption/(P)/
取りとりたてきん (n) money collected/
取りとりくむ(v5m) to tackle/to wrestle with/to engage in a bout/to come to grips with/(P)/
とりあつかいせつめい しょuser's manual/handling instructions/
取りめるとりとめる(v1) to stop/to put a stop to/to check/
取りとりけす(v5s) to cancel/(P)/
取りとりほうだい (n) as much as one can take or carry away/
取りとりはこぶ(v5b) to proceed smoothly/
取っとって(n) handle/grip/knob/(P)/
とりあつかい(n) treatment/service/handling/management/(P)/
取りえるとりちがえる(v1) to take by mistake/
取りもさずとりもなおさず(adv,exp) namely/that is/which is to say/
取りわすとりかわす(v5s) to exchange/to interchange/
取りとりのぞく(v5k) to remove/to take away/to set apart/(P)/
取り纏めるとりまとめる (v1) to collect/to arrange/to settle/
取り沙汰とりざた(n) rumor/gossip/(idle) talk/
取りとりさげ(n) withdrawal/
しゅしゃせんたく(n) selection/making a choice/decision to adopt or reject/
とりあつかいにん agent/person in charge/
取ってわるとってかわる(v5r) to supplant/to supercede/
取りとりこぼす(v5s) to suffer an unexpected defeat/
取りとりせつ(abbr) users' manual/
取りまとめるとりまとめる(v1) to collect/to arrange/to settle/
取りとりしろportion/one's share/
取りめのとりとめのない incoherent/wandering/vague/rambling/whimsical/
取ってとってくるto fetch/to go and get/
取りとりて(n) an acceptor/receiver/recipient/taker/a good practitioner of judo or sumo/
取れる とれる(v1) to come off/to be taken off/to be removed/to be obtained/to leave/to come out (e.g. photo)/to be interpreted/(P)/
しゅざいはん data collecting party/
取り取りとりどり(adj-na,n) various/
取ってとってまいる(v5) to fetch (something)/
取り えずとりあえず(adv,n) at once/first of all/for the time being/(P)/
取りとりかえす(v5s) to regain/to recover/to get back/(P)/
取りとりあつかいかた way of handling/(P)/
取りめるとりきめる(v1) to agree/to decide upon/to enter into (a contract)/
取りとりきめ(n) decision/agreement/
取るとる(v5r) to take/to pick up/to harvest/to earn/to choose/(P)/