受け入れる | うけいれる | (v1) to accept/to receive/(P)/ |
受け持つ | うけもつ | (v5t) to take (be in) charge of/(P)/ |
受託 | じゅたく | (n,vs) being entrusted with/taking charge of/ |
受胎調節 | じゅたいちょうせつ | birth control/ |
取人 | うけとりにん
| (n) recipient/ |
受けが良い | うけがよい | be popular (with)/ |
受け取 | うけとり | (n) receipt/(P)/ |
身形 | うけみけい
| (gram) passive voice/ |
受け口 | うけぐち | (n) protruding lower lip and jaw/socket/receiving
window/slot/ |
受験生 | じゅけんせい
| (n) student preparing for or taking
examinations/ |
受験番号 | じゅけんばんごう | (n) examinee's (seat) number/ |
受動喫煙 | じゅどうきつえん | passive smoking/ |
益者 | じゅえきしゃ
| beneficiary/ |
受け継ぐ | うけつぐ | (v5g) to inherit/to succeed/to take
over/(P)/ |
受験戦争 | じゅけんせんそう | (n) how to succeed in) fiercely competitive (entrance)
examinations/ |
受託会社 | じゅたくがいしゃ | trustee company/ |
験 | じゅけん | (n,vs) taking an examination/(P)/ |
受身 | うけみ | (adj-na,n) passive/passive voice/(P)/ |
受信機 | じゅしんき
| (n) (television, radio, etc.)
receiver/ |
受動 | じゅどう | (n) passive/(P)/ |
理 | じゅり | (n,vs) acceptance/(P)/ |
受信 | じゅしん | (n,vs) reception (e.g. radio)/(P)/ |
受信者 | じゅしんしゃ
| recipient/ |
受領者 | じゅりょうしゃ
| recipient/ |
受刑者 | じゅけいしゃ
| prisoner/convict/ |
受難 | じゅなん | (n) suffering/agony/passion/ |
受益証券 | じゅえきしょうけん | beneficiary certificate/ |
受動態 | じゅどうたい
| (n) passive voice/ |
受診 | じゅしん | (n,vs) having a medical exam/seeing a
doctor/ |
受贈 | じゅぞう | (n) receiving a present/ |
受験票 | じゅけんひょう
| admission ticket for an
examination/ |
受け答え | うけこたえ | (n) reply/response/answer/ |
受取手形 | うけとりてがた | notes receivable-trade/ |
受信側 | じゅしんがわ
| receiver/receiving entity/ |
受け取り | うけとり | (n) receipt/(P)/ |
働土圧係数 | じゅどうどあつけいすう | coefficient of passive earth pressure/ |
受賞者 | じゅしょうしゃ
| prize-winner/(P)/ |
受け取る | うけとる | (v5r) to receive/to get/to accept/to take/to
interpret/to understand/(P)/ |
受粉 | じゅふん | (n,vs) pollinization/fertilization/ |
受胎告知 | じゅたいこくち | the Annunciation/ |
受付係 | うけつけがかり
| reception (section)/ |
受話器 | じゅわき
| (n) (telephone) receiver/(P)/ |
受信装置 | じゅしんそうち | (n) receiver/receiving set/receiving apparatus
(equipment)/ |
受け払い | うけはらい | (n) receipts and payments/ |
受け付ける | うけつける | (v1) to be accepted/to receive (an
application)/(P)/ |
受け流す | うけながす | (v5s) to ward off/to elude/to turn aside (a
joke)/ |
受けを誤る | うけをあやまる | (exp) to make a faulty defense/ |
受け箱 | うけばこ | (n) box set at a gate of a home or near the front door,
used for receiving deliveries of newspapers, mail, milk etc./ |
受け皿 | うけざら | (n) saucer/(P)/ |
渡し | うけわたし | (n) delivery/ |