口返答 | くちへんとう
| (n) talking back/retort/ |
口語文 | こうごぶん
| (n) colloquial language or
sentence/ |
口付き煙草 | くちづきたばこ | cigarette with a mouthpiece/ |
口供書 | こうきょうしょ
| affidavit/deposition/ |
口脇 | くちわき | (n) edges of the mouth/ |
口篭る | くちごもる | (v5r) to hesitate to say/to mumble/to hem and haw/to
falter/ |
口に合う | くちにあう | (exp) to be palatable/to suit one's taste/ |
口取り | くちとり | (n) groom/horse boy/side dish/ |
口がうまい | くちがうまい | glib/smooth talker/ |
口承 | こうしょう | (n) passing on by word of mouth/oral
tradition/ |
口拍子 | くちびょうし
| (n) counting time orally/ |
口がない | くちがない | being unable to find a job/ |
口上書 | こうじょうしょ
| (n) verbal note (notes verbale)/ |
口性ない | くちさがない | gossipy/abusive/ |
利き | くちきき | (n) eloquent person/mouthpiece/man of
influence/mediator/middleman/ |
口内 | こうない | (n) oral/ |
| こうこう | (n) mouth
cavity/ |
口軽 | くちがる | (adj-na,n) loose-lipped/talkative/ |
口惜しい | くやしい | (adj) regrettable/mortifying/vexing/ |
口座 | こうざ | bank account |
口移し | くちうつし | (n) mouth-to-mouth feeding/conveying by word of
mouth/oral tradition/ |
口にする | くちにする | (vs) to taste/to
eat/to speak of/to refer to/ |
口荒く | くちあらく | (adv) violently/ |
授 | こうじゅ | (n) oral instruction or teaching or method/ |
口語 | こうご | (n) colloquial language/(P)/ |
口上手 | くちじょうず
| (adj-na,n) smooth-speaking/ |
口触り | くちざわり | (n) (food that meets one's)
taste/treatment/ |
口三味線 | くちじゃみせん | (n) humming a samisen tune/ |
口語訳 | こうごやく
| (n) colloquial translation/ |
口説き文句 | くどきもんく | (exp) (loving) words/ |
口付け | くちづけ | (n) kiss/(P)/ |
| くち | mouth |
口宣 | こうせん | oral statement/ |
舌 | こうぜつ | (n) talking recklessly/quarreling/curtain
lecture/words/tongue/ |
口元 | くちもと | (n) the mouth/shape of the mouth/near an
entrance/ |
口付き | くちづき | (n) (1) (in the shape of a) mouth/(2) mouthpiece (of a
cigarette)/(3) manner of speech/ |
口銭 | こうせん | (n) commission/brokerage/(P)/ |
口が重い | くちがおもい | incommunicative/taciturn/ |
口早 | くちばや | (adj-na,n) rapid talking/ |
口を掛ける | くちをかける | (exp) to apply for (a job)/to call for (a
doctor)/ |
口誦 | こうしょう | (n)
recitation/ |
口抜き | くちぬき | (n) corkscrew/ |
入れる | くちをいれる | (v1) to throw in a suggestion/ |
口号む | くちずさむ | (v5) to hum/to sing to oneself/to compose impromptu
(poems)/ |
口腹 | こうふく | (n) appetite/distinction between what is thought and
what is said/ |
口車 | くちぐるま | (n) cajolery/ |
口付ける | くちづける | (v1) to kiss/ |
口吟 | こうぎん | (n) humming to oneself/ |
口を慎む | くちをつつしむ | (exp) to be careful in speech/ |
口が悪い | くちがわるい | sarcastic/having a sharp (nasty) tongue/ |