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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : ; ふる(い); old
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 770 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2002
Japanese Reading English
古すふるす(v5s) to wear out/(P)/
こひつ(n) old writing/
こく(n) ancient expression/old poem/
ふるもの(n) antique/old article/secondhand goods/
こてんぶんがくclassical literature/
古狐ふるきつね(n) old fox/old-timer/schemer/
こたい(n) old custom/old style/
こほう(n) old method/
こてんは (n) classical school/
こぶどう (MA) Kobudo/Okinawan weapons fighting/
ふるつわもの (n) (1) old soldier/veteran/old hand/
ふるて(n) disused article/ex-soldier/retired official/
こせいだい (n) Paleozoic era/
こぶんしょ (n) ancient documents/archives/
古狸ふるだぬき(n) old badger/veteran/oldtimer/schemer/old fox/
こご(n) obsolete word/old proverb/ancient (Japanese) language/(P)/
エジプトこだいエジプトancient Egypt/
西ここんとうざいall times and places/
こぶんがく paleography/the study of ancient writings/
ふるいんし used stamps/
古諺こげん(n) obsolete word/old proverb/
こぼく(n) old tree/
ふるじどうしゃused car/
こはんぼん (n) old edition/
ふるくさlast year's grass/dead grass/
こてんがくしゃclassicist/classical scholar/
こきょく(n) old music/
ふるいけ(n) old pool/old pond/
こじん(n) ancient people/
ふるほんや (n) second hand bookstore/
こせき(n) ancient times/
こせいぶつ (n) extinct plants and animals/
こしょてん (n) exhibition of rare (old, antiquarian) books/
こてんしゅぎしゃ classicist/
こせつ(n) ancient belief/
こぎ(n) ancient rites/
こだいぎれ (n) ancient cloth fragment/
ふるかわ(n) old river/
ふるいえ(n) old house/deserted house/
古くふるく(adv,n) anciently/formerly/
こしょ(n) old book/rare book/
こじ(n) old temple/
ころう(n) old people/seniors/elders/old-timer/
ここん(n) ancient and modern times/all ages/past and present/
こけん(n) ancient sage/
ふるうた(n) old song/old poem/
こきan antique/
ふるきず(n) old wound/scar/old unpleasant incident/