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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : ダイ、タイ; ; stand, holder
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 848 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2005
Japanese Reading English
せりふ(n) speech/words/one's lines/remarks/
台尻だいじり(n) butt of a gun/
台にせるだいにのせる(exp) to set on a stand/
だいかく(n) tall building/the cabinet/
だいa stand
しにするだいなしにする(vs) to spoil/to ruin/to destroy/to make a mess of/
たいとう(n) rise of/appearance of/
だいし(n) cardboard/mat/mount/
たいかく(n) tall building/the cabinet/
だいぶきん(n) wipecloth/
だいじ(n) words/one's lines/
だいぎ(n) (gun) stock/unworked block of wood/parent-tree stock (in grafting)/
しにするだいなしにするspoil; ruin
だいいし(n) stone pedestal/
だいがん(n) your face/
たいがん(n) your face/
せりふまわし (n) theatrical elocution/
たいわんじん a Formosan/
台秤だいばかり(n) platform scales/
たいちゅうかんけいrelations between Taiwan and China/
だいば(n) fort/battery/
だいどころどうぐkitchen utensils/
たいらん(n) inspection by the empress or the crown prince/
だいち(n) plateau/tableland/eminence/
台甫たいほyour personal name/
たいりん(n) visit by the empress or the crown prince/
だいわ(n) architrave/
だいどころ(n) kitchen/(P)/
たいめいcommand of a shogun or a high official/
たいふう(n) typhoon/(P)/
だいか(n) your honor/his honor/
だいけい(n) trapezoid/
たいみつ(n) esoteric Buddhism of the Japanese Tendai Sect/
たいふうのめ eye of a typhoon/
だい(n,n-suf) stand/rack/table/support/(P)/
しになるだいなしになる(exp) to come to nothing/to be spoiled/
だいちょう(n) account book/ledger/register/
たいふうがん (n) eye of a typhoon/
たいわんぼうず(n) atmospheric depression originating in Taiwan/
だいなし(adj-na,n) mess/spoiled/(come to) nothing/(P)/
だいしゃ(n) push car/flatcar/
だいほん(n) libretto/scenario/(P)/
だいすう(n) number of large objects such as cars, computers, etc/
たいわんかいきょうStraits of Taiwan/