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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : カク; おのおの; each
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1163 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2168
Japanese Reading English
かくじょうほう all information/
かくい(n) gentlemen/sirs/(P)/
各シェルフかくシェルフeach shelf/shelves (in practice)/
かくかい(n) each time/
かくしゅう(n) every week/
かくそう(n) each stratum/each class/
かっかい(n) each field/various circles/
かくしょう(n) each ministry/
かくつき(n) every month/
かくじん(n-adv,n-t) each person/(P)/
かくぎょうeach line/
かくだんたい each group/
かくし(n) every newspaper (magazine)/
おのおのがたall of you (pronoun)/
かくはん(adj-no,n) all/every/various/
かっかい(n) each time/
かく(n) each/every/(P)/
かっこう(n) each item/each clause/
かっこく(n) each nation/(P)/
かくてん(n) each shop/
かくはんeach clan/
かくじ(n-adv,n-t) individual/each/(P)/
かくこう(n) each item/each clause/
かくは(n) each party/each faction/all sects/
かくしゅ(n) every kind/all sorts/(P)/
かくしゅがっこうvocational school/
かくぶ(n) all parts/various parts/every department/
かくかい(n) each floor/
各各 それぞれeach/every/either/respectively/severally/
かくち(n) every place/various places/(P)/
かくさつ(n) each book (volume or copy)/
かくしつ(n) every room/
かくだいがく all universities/each university/
かっこ(n) every house/
かくめん(n) all phases/
かくろん(n) detailed exposition/
かくし(n) every city/
各々 おのおのeach/every/either/respectively/severally/
かくけん(n) all prefectures/
かくえきていしゃtrain that stops at every station/(P)/
かくかい(n) each field/various circles/
かっこ(n) every one/each/
かくじんかくよう So many men/so many ways./
かくしょ(n) each place/various places/
各のおのおののかんがえindividual discretion/
かくしゃ(n) all companies/each company/
かくえき(n) every station/