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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : ドウ; おな(じ)、おな(じく); same
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 619 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2987
Japanese Reading English
どうしょく(n) the same occupation/the said occupation/
どうそうせい (n) alumni/alumnus/schoolmate/(P)/
どうきょうじん person from the same province, town, village, etc./
どうはんthe same clan/
どうち(n) the same place/that place/
どうちせい equivalency/equivalancy property/
どうじに(adv,conj) coincident with/on the other hand/while/
どうそうかい (n) graduate's association/alumni meeting/class reunion/(P)/
どうゆう(n) sharing the same concern/
どうじょうしゃ (n) fellow passenger/
どうじんきょうかいUniversalist Church/
どうせき(n,vs) sit with/be with/
どうぎょう(n) same trade/same business/
どうぜん(n) same as above/ditto/ibid./
どうきゅうせい (n) classmate(s)/(P)/
どうしん(adj-no,n) concentricity/same mind/unanimity/policeman/
どうしゅどうぶん (n) same race and same language/
どうてい(n) identification/
どうぜい(n) party/company/
どうしょう(n) the said ministry/the same ministry/
どう(n) the same/the said/ibid./(P)/
どうしょういむ(n) cohabiting but living in different worlds/
どうめいじょうやくtreaty of alliance/
どうはい(n) fellows/comrade/colleague/one's equal/
どうしゃ(n) the same firm/
どうじろくおんsimultaneous or synchronous recording/
どうじつ(n-adv,n-t) the same day/
どうい(n) similarities and differences/
どういつじんぶつthe very same person/
どうみょう(n) same name/
どうけい(n) affiliated/akin/
どうしょ(n) the same book/the said book/
どうしうち (n) killing each other by mistake/internecine strife/
同朋どうぼう(n) companions/fellows/
どうきゅう(n) the same grade/same class/
どうりゅう(n) the same style/same school/common origin/
どうじょう(n,vs) riding together/riding with/
どうりょう(n) same amount/
どうてん(n) the same store/the same shop/
どうしうち (n) killing each other by mistake/internecine strife/
どういご (n) synonym/
どうこう(n) same school/
どうこくみん fellow countrymen/
どういつにん the same person/
どうはんしゃ (n) companion/
どうこん(n) same root/same origin/
どうだい(n) the said university/Doshisha University/
どういぎ the same meaning/