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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : メイ、ミョウ; ; name
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1170 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2169
Japanese Reading English
めいひん(n) fine product/masterpiece/
名もなもないひと nobody/nameless (insignificant) person/
めいげん(n) wise saying/
めいしょ(n) famous place/(P)/
めいきょく(n) famous music/(P)/
めいこうだい Nagoya Institute of Technology/NIT/
めいよよくlove of fame/
めいよしみんhonorary citizen/(P)/
めいしばん (n) 8.3 x 5.4 cm photograph (size)/
めいぼうか (n) person of great renown/
めいしょう(n) great or famous commander/
めいく(n) famous saying/noted haiku/
名宛なあてにん(n) addressee/
めいぎでin someone (else's) name/
めいぶん(n) reputation/
なのる(v5r) to call oneself (name, label, etc)/
めいか(n) excellent or famous poem/
名妓めいぎ(n) talented or beautiful geisha/
めいしょう(n) place of scenic beauty/the sights/
めいじんせん (n) professional go (shogi) players' championship series/
めいやく(n) effective or well-known medicine/
めいりゅう(n) celebrities/notables/
みょうじsurname, family name, last name
めいしいれ (n) (business) card case/
めいげつ(n) harvest moon/full moon/(P)/
めいぎかきかえ(n) stock transfer/
めいよ(adj-na,n) honor/credit/prestige/(P)/
しいなごりおしい (adj) regret/reluctance/(P)/
めいてん(n) well-known store/
めいもくちんぎんnominal wages/
めいちゃfine tea/
めいぎ(n) name/(P)/
めいし(n) celebrity/personage/
なまえ(n) name/(P)/
なぬし(n) village headman/
ななし(n) nameless/
めいき(n) rare or famous utensil or instrument/
めいばめん famous (impressive) scene/
名をげるなをあげる(exp) to gain fame/to make one's name/
めいせい(n) fame/(P)/
名が いているながひびいている(exp) to be famous/
名宛なあて(n) address (on an envelope)/
めいか(n) famous or high-quality cake/
めいし(n) business card/(P)/
めいぼう(n) reputation/renown/
めいさく(n) masterpiece/(P)/
めいしょfamous place
簿めいぼ(n) register of names/(P)/