向け | むけ | (n,n-suf) (intended) for ~/oriented towards
~/(P)/ |
向く | むく | (v5k) to
face/(P)/ |
向かい風 | むかいかぜ | (n) head wind/ |
日性 | こうにちせい
| (n) disposition (in flowers) to turn toward the
sun/phototropism/ |
向かい合う | むかいあう | (v5u) to be opposite/to face each other/ |
向米的 | こうべいてき
| (adj-na) pro-American/ |
向かって左 | むかってひだり | on the left as one faces (it)/ |
向かい合わせ | むかいあわせ | (n) face-to-face/ |
向精神薬 | こうせいしんやく | psychotropic drug/ |
向こう岸 | むこうぎし | (n) the opposite bank/ |
向日葵 | ひまわり | (gikun) (n) sunflower/ |
向心力 | こうしんりょく
| (n) centripetal force/ |
向かい火 | むかいひ | backfire (to defend against forest fires)/ |
向き向き | むきむき | (n) suitability/ |
け直る | むけなおる | (v5,vi) to change direction/ |
向こうから来る | むこうからくる | to come from the opposite direction/ |
向かい合わせる | むかいあわせる | (v1) to face/to confront/to be opposite to/ |
向上心 | こうじょうしん
| (n) ambition/aspiration/ |
向け替える | むけかえる | (v1) to change direction/ |
向後 | こうご | (n-adv,n-t) hereafter/ |
向こう傷 | むこうきず | (n) scar on one's forehead/ |
向性 | こうせい | (n) tropism/ |
張る | むこうをはる | (exp) to vie with one's opponent/ |
向き合う | むきあう | (v5u) to be opposite/to face each other/ |
向こう気 | むこうき | aggressive/ |
向光性 | こうこうせい
| (n) heliotropism/ |
向い側 | むかいがわ | (io) (n) opposite side/other side/other
party/ |
向こう | むこう | (n) beyond/over
there/opposite direction/the other party/(P)/ |
向け直す | むけなおす | (v5s,vt) to change direction/ |
向き | むき | (adj-na,n,n-suf)
direction/situation/exposure/aspect/suitability/(P)/ |
向米 | こうべい | pro-American/ |
腹 | むかっぱら | (n) anger/passion/ |
向き付けに | むきつけに | to one's face/in one's presence/ |
向ける | むける | (v1) to turn towards/to point/(P)/ |
向こうに着いたら | むこうについたら | when you get to the destination/ |
向こう側 | むこうがわ | (n) other side/opposite side/other
party/(P)/ |
向こうに回して | むこうにまわして | in opposition to/ |
向かう | むかう | (v5u) to face/to go towards/(P)/ |
向い合う | むかいあう | (io) (v5u) to be opposite/to face each
other/ |
向こう鉢巻 | むこうはちまき
| folded or rolled head towel/ |
向かい波 | むかいなみ | head sea/ |
向こう三軒 | むこうさんげん
| one's next three neighbors/ |
向き不向きが有る | むきふむきがある
| (exp) to have one's own field of
work/ |
向上 | こうじょう | (n,vs)
elevation/rise/improvement/advancement/progress/(P)/ |
向こうで暮らす | むこうでくらす | to live overseas/ |
向学心 | こうがくしん
| (n) love of learning/ |
向かい側 | むかいがわ | (n) opposite side/other side/other party/ |
向日性 | こうじつせい
| (n) disposition (in flowers) to turn toward the
sun/phototropism/ |
向い波 | むかいなみ | head sea/ |
| むこうきず | (n)
frontal wound/ |