君 | きみ | (n) (fam) you (masc. term for female)/(P)/ |
君主国 | くんしゅこく
| (n) monarchy/ |
君主政体 | くんしゅせいたい | (n) monarchy/ |
| くんちょう | (n) the
favor of one's ruler/ |
君国 | くんこく | (n) a monarchy/ |
臨 | くんりん | (n,vs) reign/control/(to) dictate/(P)/ |
君 | くん | (n,suf) Mr (junior)/master/boy/(P)/ |
君臣 | くんしん | (n) ruler and ruled/master and servant/(P)/ |
君側 | くんそく | (n) proximity of a monarch or lord/ |
君達 | きみたち | (n) (fam) (fem) you (plur)/ |
君子 | くんし | (n) man of virtue/person of high rank/wise
man/ |
君子豹変 | くんしひょうへん
| A wise man needs not blush for changing his
purposes (original meaning)/a demeanor (attitude, tune) undergoing an instant
change for the worse (in colloquial usage)/ |
君が代 | きみがよ | Imperial reign/title of Japanese national
anthem/ |
君民 | くんみん | (n) monarch and subjects/ |
君に忠である | きみにちゅうである | (exp) to be loyal to one's sovereign/ |
君主 | くんしゅ | (n) ruler/monarch/(P)/ |
君恩 | くんおん | (n) the favor of one's ruler/ |
君命 | くんめい | (n) the orders of one's ruler/ |