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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : ガン; ふく(む)、ふく(める); contain
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 402 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2041
Japanese Reading English
含みふくみしさん hidden assets/
含みふくみごえ(n) muffled voice/
含めるふくめる(v1,vt) to include/to instruct/to make one understand/to put in one's mouth/(P)/
がんみ(n,vs) taste/thinking over carefully/
含みふくみわらい(n) suppressed laugh/smile/giggle/chuckle/
含みふくみ(n) implication/hidden meaning/latitude/atmosphere/tone/sentiment/inclusion/
がんゆそう (n) oil strata/
がんとうりょう sugar content/
含ますふくます(v5) to soak/to saturate/to suckle/to make one hold something in the mouth/to include/to instruct/to make one understand/
含羞がんしゅう(n) shyness/
がんすいたんそ(n) carbohydrate/
含嗽がんそう(n,vs) gargle/rinse mouth/
含むふくむ(v5m) to hold in the mouth/to bear in mind/to understand/to cherish/to harbor/to contain/to comprise/to have/to hold/to include/to embrace/to be charged or loaded with/to be dripping with/to be full of/to be suffused with/(P)/
含まれない ふくまれないnot to be included/
がんりょう(n) content/
含まれる ふくまれる(v1,vi) to be included/to be comprised of/
含塵がんじんりつdust content/
がんすい(adj-no) hydrated/hydrous/
含めふくめに(n) food boiled in sugar syrup/
がんちくのある pregnant/significant/suggestive/
含嗽がんそうやくgargle medicine/mouthwash/
がんゆうりょう (n) content (of a mineral, etc.)/
がんすいかごうぶつ (n) hydrate/
がんゆう(n,vs) contain/include/(P)/
がんちく(n) implication/significance/connotation/depth of meaning/complications of a problem/(P)/
がんゆうりつ (n) content by percentage/
がんい(n,vs) implication/
含羞むはにかむ(v5) to be shy/to be bashful/
含嗽うがい(n,vs) gargle/rinse mouth/(P)/
含ませるふくませる(v1,vt) to soak/to saturate/to suckle/to make one hold something in the mouth/to include/to instruct/to make one understand/
がんとうsugar content/