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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : キュウ; す(う); breathe in
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 885 Index in Halpern dictionary: 202
Japanese Reading English
吸塵きゅうじん(n) dust vacuuming/
吸いすいのみ(n) feeding cup/
きゅうおんsound absorption/
吸いけるすいつける(v1) to attract/to be used to/
すいもの(n) soup/
吸いげるすいあげる(v1) to pump off or out/to suck up or out/to siphon off/
きゅうき(n) inspiration/
きゅうおんざい (n) acoustic material/
きゅうにゅうき (n) an inhaler/
きゅうすいせい (n) water absorbency/
すいとりがみ (n) blotting paper/
きゅうにゅう(n) inhalation/(P)/
きゅうけつき (n) vampire/bloodsucker/
すいくち(n) mouthpiece/cigarette holder/
きゅうちゃく(n,vs) adsorption/adsorb/attachment/sorption/
きゅうけつ(n) sucking blood/
吸いすいつく(v5k) to stick to/
すいがら(n) cigarette end (butt)/tobacco ashes/
げるすいあげる(v1) to suck/
吸う すうsmoke, breathe in
吸いすいとりがみ (n) blotting paper/(P)/
湿きゅうしつざい (n) desiccant/moisture absorbent/
吸いすいくち(n) mouthpiece/(cigarette) filter/tip/
湿きゅうしつせい (n) absorbency/hygroscopicity/
吸いすいもの(n) Japanese style soup/
きゅうしゅう(n,vs) absorption/suction/attraction/(P)/
ここんごう Hevajra/Eternal Vajra (tantric Buddhist deity)/
きゅうしゅうりょく (n) absorbing power/
きゅうしゅうざい (n) an absorbent/
吸いすいとる(v5r) to suck up/to absorb/to squeeze (money)/
吸いすいだす(v5s) to suck (or draw) out/to aspirate/
吸うすう(v5u) to smoke/to breathe in/to suck/(P)/
きゅうすい(n) water absorption/
湿きゅうしつ(n) moisture absorbing/
きゅういん(n) absorption/suction/aspiration/attraction/(P)/
きゅういん(n) sucking in/
吸い すいがら(n) cigarette end (butt)/tobacco ashes/(P)/
きゅうばん(n) sucker/
吸いすいこむ(v5m) to inhale/(P)/