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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : シュウ; まわ(り); vicinity
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 622 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2998
Japanese Reading English
しゅうみつ(adj-na,n) scrupulous/careful/meticulous/
しゅうかい(n) circumference/girth/surroundings/
しゅうこう(n) circumnavigation/circle tour by ship/
しゅうちてってい(something) known to all/
しゅうい(n) surroundings/circumference/environs/(P)/
狼狽しゅうしょうろうばい(n) consternation/fall into a panic/fluster oneself/dismay/discomfiture/
しゅうはたい frequency band/
しゅうはすう (n) frequency (of waves)/
しゅうはすうへんかんそ うちfrequency converter/
しゅうへんしょこくsurrounding countries/neighboring countries/
しゅうせんや (n) broker/employment agency/
周りまわり(n,n-suf) circumference/surroundings/circulation/(P)/
しゅうしょう(n) agitation/frustration/
しゅうき(n) cycle/period/(P)/
しゅうきょくせい (n) circumpolar star/
調しゅうはへんちょうfrequency modulation/FM/
しゅうりゅう(n) flowing around/
しゅうらん(n) looking all around/
しゅうき(n) death anniversary/
しゅうきせい cyclic/periodic/
調しゅうはすうへんちょう Frequency Modulation/FM/
しゅうせん(n) good offices/recommendation/mediation/(Tokugawa-era) employment office/(P)/
しゅういちょう perimeter/
しゅうち(n) common knowledge/well known/(P)/
しゅうとう(adj-na,n) scrupulous/meticulous/careful/(P)/
しゅうせんりょう brokerage/commission/
しゅうねん(n) whole year/anniversary/
しゅうきりつ (n) periodic law/
しゅうせんにん (n) agent/middleman/
しゅうゆうけん (n) excursion ticket/(P)/
しゅうへん(n) circumference/outskirts/environs/(computer) peripheral/(P)/
しゅう(n) circuit/lap/circumference/vicinity/Chou (dynasty)/
しゅうゆう(n) excursion ticket/tour/round trip/(P)/
しゅうえん(n) fringe/rim/
しゅうはけい frequency meter/wavemeter/
周りのまわりのひとsurrounding people/
しゅうはすうへんい frequency shift/
しゅうせんぎょうしゃbroker/middleman/employment agency/
しゅうは(n) cycle/wave/frequency/
しゅうせんぎょう (n) brokerage/commission agency/
しゅうへんこく neighboring or surrounding country/