味噌擂り | みそすり | (n) grinding miso/flattery/a flatterer/ |
味噌っ滓 | みそっかす | (n) miso lees/a good-for-nothing/immature child or
person/ |
味噌漬け | みそづけ | (n) meat or fish or vegetables preserved in
miso/ |
味噌っ歯 | みそっぱ | (n) decayed (baby) tooth/ |
味 | あじ | (adj-na,n) flavor/taste/(P)/ |
味気無い | あじきない
| (adj)
wearisome/insipid/irksome/wretched/vain/ |
味覚 | みかく | (adj-na,n) taste/palate/sense of taste/(P)/ |
味噌擂り坊主 | みそすりぼうず
| (n) a low-ranking priest/contemptuous reference
to a priest/ |
味噌汁 | みそしる | (n) miso soup/(P)/ |
味気ない | あじけない | (adj) wearisome/insipid/irksome/wretched/vain/ |
味気ない | あじきない | (adj) wearisome/insipid/irksome/wretched/vain/ |
味気無い | あじけない
| (adj)
wearisome/insipid/irksome/wretched/vain/ |
味を調える | あじをととのえる | (exp) to flavor/to season/ |
味見 | あじみ | (n) sampling/tasting/ |
味噌汁 | みそしる | miso soup |
| あじ | taste;
flavor |
味付け | あじつけ | (n,vs) seasoning/flavour/ |
味わい知る | あじわいしる | to taste and know/ |
味方 | みかた | (n) friend/ally/supporter/(P)/ |
味醂 | みりん | (n) (uk) type of sweet sake used in
cooking/ |
味わう | あじわう | (v5u) to taste/to
savor/to relish/(P)/ |
味わい | あじわい | (adj-no,n)
flavour/meaning/significance/ |
味読 | みどく | (n,vs) appreciating a book/perusal/ |
味な | あじな | (adj-pn) smart/clever/witty/strange/ |
味わう | あじわう | taste, enjoy; appreciate |
味つけ | あじつけ | (n,vs) seasoning/flavour/ |
味付け海苔 | あじつけのり | (n) seasoned nori (laver)/ |
味が薄い | あじがうすい | lightly seasoned/ |
味醂干し | みりんぼし | (n) fish sliced open, seasoned with mirin, soy sauce
etc. and dried in the sun/ |
味の素 | あじのもと | (n) monosodium glutamate (brand name)/MSG/ |
味噌 | みそ | (n) miso/bean paste/key (main) point/(P)/ |
味蕾 | みらい | (n) taste buds/ |
見する | あじみする | taste, sample |