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Kanji: Radical: (くち) : ワ、オ; やわ(らぐ)、やわ(らげる)、なご(やか)、なご(む); peace
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3268 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1130
Japanese Reading English
わしつ(n) Japanese-style room/(P)/
わせん(n) Japanese-style ship/
わごう(n,vs) harmony/concord/agreement/unity/union/
わぶん(n) Japanese text/sentence in Japanese/(P)/
わしょ(n) (Japanese) book bound in Japanese style/
わやく(n) Japanese translation/
和らげるやわらげる(v1) to soften/to moderate/to relieve/(P)/
わきん(n) Japanese wakin goldfish variety/
わご(n) native Japanese words/(P)/
わかやまけんprefecture in the Kinki area/
プロセスわへいプロセスpeace process/
和む なごむ(v5m) to be softened/to calm down/(P)/
わえいじしょ(n) Japanese-English dictionary/
わせい(n) Japanese-made/
和やかななごやかなかてい harmonious (happy) family/
わだいこ Japanese drum/
わこんかんさい(n) the Japanese spirit imbued with Chinese learning/
わしょく(n) Japanese-style meal/(P)/
和らぐやわらぐ(v5g) to soften/to calm down/to be mitigated/(P)/
わがく(n) Japanese music/
わかん(n) Japanese-Chinese/Japan and China/
わか(n) 31 syllable poem/(P)/
わじ(n) kanji devised in Japan/
わどく(n) Japanese-German (e.g. dictionary)/(P)/
わよう(n) Japan and Europe/
わみょう(n) Japanese name (often of plants and animals, and written in kana)/
わふうJapanese style
わふう(n) Japanese style/(P)/
わせん(n) war and peace/peace/
わらく(n) peace and harmony/
和やかなごやか(adj-na,n) mild/calm/gentle/quiet/harmonious/(P)/
わしき(n) Japanese style/(P)/
(n) sum/harmony/peace/(P)/
わそう(adj-no,n) dressed in kimono/Japanese clothing/
おしょう(n) Buddhist priest/(P)/
わほん(n) book bound in Japanese style/
わへいこうさくa peace initiative/
わたいこ Japanese drum/
わえい(n) Japanese-English/(P)/
わせいほう (n) law of harmony/
和してぜずわしてどうぜずharmonize but not agree/
わぎゅう(n) Japanese beef cow/
わかめ(n) seaweed/(P)/
和 綴わとじ(n) Japanese style book binding/
わせいえいごJapanese word constructed of elements from one or more English terms/
わし(n) Japanese paper/(P)/
藹々わきあいあい(adj-na,n) being full of harmony, peace, and happiness/
わどくじてんJapanese-German dictionary/
わへい(n) peace/(P)/
わへいきょうていpeace agreement/peace accord/