啓蒙 | けいもう | (n) enlightenment/instruction/(P)/ |
啓上 | けいじょう | (n,vs) speaking respectfully/ |
啓示 | けいじ | (n) apocalypse/revelation/(P)/ |
啓蒙思潮 | けいもうしちょう
| enlightenment movement/the
Enlightenment/ |
啓学 | けいがく | Keigaku (publisher)/ |
啓蒙運動 | けいもううんどう
| enlightenment movement/the
Enlightenment/ |
啓蟄 | けいちつ | (n) around March 6,
the day on which hibernating bugs are said to come out of the
ground/ |
啓く | ひらく | (v5) (arch) to
enlighten/to edify/ |
啓迪 | けいてき | (vs)
edification/enlightenment/guide/ |
啓発 | けいはつ | (n,vs)
enlightenment/development/edification/(P)/ |
啓蒙思想 | けいもうしそう
| the philosophy of the European
Enlightenment/ |