団地住まい | だんちずまい
| living in a housing complex/ |
団地族 | だんちぞく
| (n) housing project dwellers/ |
団結権 | だんけつけん
| (n) the right to organize/ |
団欒 | だんらん | (n,vs) sitting together in a circle/happy
circle/harmony/ |
団菊祭 | だんぎくさい
| kabuki performance in commemoration of Danjuro
and Kikugoro/ |
団員 | だんいん | (n) group member/ |
団交 | だんこう | (n) (abbr) collective bargaining/ |
団体交渉 | だんたいこうしょう | collective bargaining/ |
団体客 | だんたいきゃく
| (n) party of tourists/ |
団扇 | うちわ | (n) fan/(P)/ |
団体競技 | だんたいきょうぎ | team sports/ |
団地 | だんち | (n) multi-unit apartments/(P)/ |
団結心 | だんけつしん
| esprit de corps/ |
団子鼻 | だんごばな
| (n) a snub or pug nose/ |
団栗 | どんぐり | (n) acorn/ |
団栗の背比べ | どんぐりのせいくらべ
| (exp) having no outstanding characteristics/to
all seem about the same/ |
団体旅行 | だんたいりょこう | group travel/(P)/ |
団長 | だんちょう | (n) leader of a delegation (body, party)/ |
団体協約 | だんたいきょうやく | a collective agreement/ |
団体を組む | だんたいをくむ
| (exp) to form an organization/ |
団の精神 | だんのせいしん
| esprit de corps/spirit of the
corps/ |
団体 | だんたい | (n) organization/association/(P)/ |
団塊 | だんかい | (n) mass/lump/ |
結 | だんけつ | (n) unity/union/combination/(P)/ |
団体交渉権 | だんたいこうしょうけん
| (n) the right to collective
bargaining/ |
団子 | だんご | (n) dumpling (sweet)/ |
団体保険 | だんたいほけん | group insurance/ |
体行動 | だんたいこうどう | group behavior/ |
塊の世代 | だんかいのせだい | baby boom generation/ |
団体割引 | だんたいわりびき | (n) group discount (rate, reduction)/ |
団扇虫 | うちわむし
| fan-fly/ |
団栗眼 | どんぐりまなこ | (adj-no,n) goggle-eyes/ |
団結が固い | だんけつがかたい
| be strongly united/ |
団十郎丈 | だんじゅうろうじょう | Danjuro (kabuki actor)/ |