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Kanji: Radical: (くにがまえ) : ダン、トン; ; group
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1027 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3053
Japanese Reading English
まいだんちずまい living in a housing complex/
だんちぞく (n) housing project dwellers/
だんけつけん (n) the right to organize/
団欒だんらん(n,vs) sitting together in a circle/happy circle/harmony/
だんぎくさい kabuki performance in commemoration of Danjuro and Kikugoro/
だんいん(n) group member/
だんこう(n) (abbr) collective bargaining/
だんたいこうしょうcollective bargaining/
だんたいきゃく (n) party of tourists/
うちわ(n) fan/(P)/
だんたいきょうぎteam sports/
だんち(n) multi-unit apartments/(P)/
だんけつしん esprit de corps/
だんごばな (n) a snub or pug nose/
団栗どんぐり(n) acorn/
団栗のどんぐりのせいくらべ (exp) having no outstanding characteristics/to all seem about the same/
だんたいりょこうgroup travel/(P)/
だんちょう(n) leader of a delegation (body, party)/
だんたいきょうやくa collective agreement/
だんたいをくむ (exp) to form an organization/
団のだんのせいしん esprit de corps/spirit of the corps/
だんたい(n) organization/association/(P)/
だんかい(n) mass/lump/
だんけつ(n) unity/union/combination/(P)/
だんたいこうしょうけん (n) the right to collective bargaining/
だんご(n) dumpling (sweet)/
だんたいほけんgroup insurance/
だんたいこうどうgroup behavior/
だんかいのせだいbaby boom generation/
だんたいわりびき(n) group discount (rate, reduction)/
うちわむし fan-fly/
団栗どんぐりまなこ(adj-no,n) goggle-eyes/
だんけつがかたい be strongly united/
だんじゅうろうじょうDanjuro (kabuki actor)/