困窮 | こんきゅう | (n) poverty/distress/(P)/ |
困らせる | こまらせる | (v1) to trouble with questions/to embarrass/to put
out/to put on the spot/to inconvenience/ |
困窮者 | こんきゅうしゃ
| the poor or needy or destitute/ |
困惑 | こんわく | (n,vs) bewilderment/disturbance/(P)/ |
困難 | こんなん | (adj-na,n) difficulty/distress/(P)/ |
困り果てる | こまりはてる | (v1) to be greatly perplexed/to be greatly
embarrassed/(P)/ |
困る | こまる | (v5r) to be
worried/to be bothered/(P)/ |
困惑 | こんわく | bewilderment |
| こんぱい | (n)
exhaustion/fatigue/ |
困難に陥れる | こんなんにおとしい
れる | (exp) to put (a person) in a
fix/ |
困却 | こんきゃく | (n) perplexity/dilemma/ |
困難と闘う | こんなんとたたかう
| to contend with difficulties/ |
困苦 | こんく | (n) privation/hardship/(P)/ |
困り切る | こまりきる | (v5r) to be greatly perplexed/to be greatly
embarrassed/(P)/ |
困り抜く | こまりぬく | (v5k) to be at one's wit's end/to be in great trouble/to
be at a loss/ |
困り者 | こまりもの | (n)
good-for-nothing/scapegrace/nuisance/trouble/ |