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Kanji: Radical: (くにがまえ) : ト、ズ; はか(る); plan
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1034 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3071
Japanese Reading English
ずこう(n) (abbr) drawing and manual arts/
ずが(n) drawing/
図々しい ずうずうしい(adj) impudent/shameless/(P)/
としょ(n) books/(P)/
としょもくろくbook catalogue/card catalogue/
ずはん(n) plate/illustration/figure/
けているずぬけているto be outstanding/
としょかんちょうchief librarian/
ずがら(n) design/pattern/
ずろく(n) illustrated book/picture book/
ずし(n,vs) illustration/showing in graphic form or by diagram/(P)/
ずうたい(n) body/frame/
ずかん(n) picture book/
ずぶとい(adj) bold/shameless/cheeky/
としょかん library
ずあんか designer/
としょかんがくlibrary science/
たるずぼしにあたる (v5) to hit the bull's eye/
ずけい(n) figure/(P)/
ずめん(n) drawing/diagram/plans/blueprint/
ずぼしをさす (exp,v5) to hit the nail on the head/to guess exactly right/
としょけん (n) gift certificate for books/
としょしつ (n) library room/(P)/
ずひょう(n) chart/diagram/graph/(P)/
ずめんをひく (exp) to draw a plan/
ずしき(n) scheme/
ずほう(n) drawing/draftsmanship/
としょかん (n) library/(P)/
図にたるずにあたる(exp) to hit the bulls eye/to go as expected/
図らずもはからずも(adv) unexpectedly/
a figure, a diagram
ずぼし(n) bull's eye/mark/
ずあん(n) a design/sketch/
ずぞうがく (n) iconography/
ずかい(n) schematic/schema/
としょひ (n) book budget/
(n,n-suf) figure (e.g. Fig 1)/drawing/picture/illustration/(P)/
ずえ(n) collection of pictures/
図るはかる(v5r) to plot/to attempt/to plan/to take in/to deceive/to devise/to design/to refer A to B/(P)/
けるずぬける(v1) to tower above/to stand out/
ずがa drawing, a picture
図図しいずうずうしい(adj) impudent/shameless/
図るはかるplan, attempt
図に ずにのる(exp) to push a good thing too far/
ずどり(n) sketching/
ずせつ(n) illustration/diagram/
図をずをかく(exp) to draw a diagram/