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Kanji: Radical: (つち) : スイ; た(らす)、た(れる)、た(れ); vertical
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 211 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3565
Japanese Reading English
垂れたれまく(n) hanging screen/curtain/
たるき(n) rafter/
すいし(n) on the verge of dying/
垂らしたらしこむ(v5) to drop into, drop by drop/
垂れたれながす(v5s) to discharge (e.g. effluent)/
垂涎すいぜん(n) watering at the mouth/covetousness/
すいじゅん(n) plummet/plumb line/
垂れ篭めるたれこめる(v1) to hang over (e.g. clouds)/to lie over/
すいちょくせん (n) perpendicular line/
垂れたれながし(n) incontinence/soiling one's pants/
すいちょくぶんぎょうvertical international specialization/
すいか(n,vs) being pendent/hanging down/
たれみみ(n) lop-eared/
垂れ たれこみ(n) squealing (to authorities)/
垂れたれめ(n) drooping eyes/
すべらかし(n) hair tied behind and hanging down/long flowing hair/
垂りたりほ(n) drooping ears (of grain)/
垂れたれがみ(n) hair tied behind and hanging down/long flowing hair/
垂れたれ(n) hanging/straw curtain/lapel/pocket flap/skirts of a coat/gravy/soy sauce/
垂れたれみみ(n) lop-eared/
たれまく(n) hanging screen/curtain/
垂れげるたれさげる(v1,vt) to hang (a curtain)/to droop (a tail)/to lower (a blind)/
すいせん(n) perpendicular line/(P)/
すいくん(n) instruction/
たれがみ(n) hair tied behind and hanging down/long flowing hair/
すいせんのあし foot of a perpendicular line/
すいはん(n,vs) setting an example/
垂楊すいようweeping willow/
垂れ るたれる(v1,vi) to hang/to droop/to drop/to lower/to pull down/to dangle/to sag/to drip/to ooze/to trickle/to leave behind (at death)/to give/to confer/(P)/
垂れがるたれさがる(v5r,vi) to hang/to dangle/
すいし(n) instruction/
すいちょく(adj-na,n) vertical/perpendicular/(P)/
垂涎ずいぜん(n) watering at the mouth/covetousness/
垂らすたらす(v5s,vt) to suspend/to hang down/to slouch/to dangle/(P)/
すいきょう(n) information/instruction/
垂迹すいじゃく(n) appearances of Buddha to save men/Shinto god who is the reincarnation of a Buddha or bodhisattva/
タブすいちょくタブvertical tabulation (VT)/
すいしん(n) orthocenter/