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Kanji: Radical: (つち) : マイ; う(める)、う(まる)、う(もれる)、うず(まる)、うず(める); bury
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1084 Index in Halpern dictionary: 403
Japanese Reading English
まいこつ(n) burial of ashes/
埋めるうずめる(v1) to bury (e.g. one's face in hands)/(P)/
埋まるうまる(v5r) to be buried/to be surrounded/to overflow/to be filled/(P)/
埋めせるうめあわせる(v1,vt) to make amends/to compensate for/to make up for/
埋もれうもれぎ(n) lignite/obscurity/
まいぞうぶつ (n) buried property/buried treasure/treasure trove/deposits/
埋めうめたて(n) filling up/reclamation/(P)/
まいぞう(n) buried property/treasure trove/(P)/
埋みうずみび(n) banked fire/
まいぞうりょう (n) deposits/reserves/
埋めるうめる(v1) to bury/to fill up/to fill (a seat, a vacant position)/(P)/
埋めうめこむ(v5m) to bury/
埋め うめき(n) wooden plug/
埋 めわせうめあわせ(n) compensation/
まいぞうきん buried gold/buried treasure/
まいふくし impacted tooth/
うめたてち (n) reclaimed land/
まいせんunderground cable/
埋めうめくさ(n) (page) filler/
まいせつ(n,vs) putting (laying) underground/
まいそう(n) burial/(P)/
まいぼつ(n,vs) burying/embedding/(P)/
うめたて(n) filling up/reclamation/
埋めてるうめたてる(v1) to reclaim/to fill up/
埋もれるうもれる(v1) to be buried/to be covered/to be hidden/(P)/
埋めうめたてち (n) reclaimed land/
埋まるうずまる(v5r) to be buried/to be surrounded/to overflow/to be filled/(P)/
まいそうち (n) burial place (ground)/cemetery/graveyard/
埋めうめきざいく(n) mosaic woodwork/
埋めわせるうめあわせる(v1,vt) to make amends/to compensate for/to make up for/