堪え性 | こらえしょう | (n) endurance/perseverance/patience/ |
堪忍 | かんにん | (int,n) pardon/patient
endurance/forbearance/forgiveness/(P)/ |
能 | たんのう | (adj-na,n) proficient/skillful/ |
堪能 | かんのう | (adj-na,n) proficient/skillful/ |
堪忍袋 | かんにんぶくろ
| (n) one's store of patience/ |
堪える | こたえる | (v1) to bear/to stand/to endure/to put up with/to
support/to withstand/to resist/to brave/to be fit for/to be equal
to/(P)/ |
堪える | こらえる | (v1) to bear/to
stand/to endure/to put up with/to support/to withstand/to resist/to brave/to be
fit for/to be equal to/(P)/ |
| たえかねる | (v1) to
be unable to endure/to lose patience/ |
忍袋の緒が切れる | かんにんぶくろの
おがきれる | (exp,v1) to be out of patience/to be
unable to put up with something anymore/ |
堪え兼ねる | たえかねる | (v1) to be unable to endure/to lose
patience/ |
堪らない | たまらない | (adj,exp)
intolerable/unbearable/unendurable/(P)/ |
え忍ぶ | たえしのぶ | (v5b) to put up with/to endure/to bear
patiently/(P)/ |
堪え難い | たえがたい | (adj) unbearable/ |
堪える | たえる | (v1) to bear/to stand/to endure/to put up with/to
support/to withstand/to resist/to brave/to be fit for/to be equal
to/(P)/ |