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Kanji: Radical: (つち) : ゾウ; ふ(える)、ふ(やす)、ま(す)、ま(し); increase
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1137 Index in Halpern dictionary: 677
Japanese Reading English
ぞうてい(n) new and revised (edition)/(P)/
ぞうちく(n) addition to a building/
ぞうすい(n) increased water/high water/
ぞうほう(n) salary increase/raise/
増えるふえる(v1,vi) to increase/to multiply/(P)/
増しまし(adj-na,n,n-suf) extra/additional/less objectionable/better/preferable/(P)/
ぞうりょう(n) increased volume or quantity/
ぞうは(n) reinforcements/
ぞうけつ(n) increase of blood/hematopoiesis/
ぞういん(n) increase the number of personnel/
ぞうちょう(n) collection of additional taxes/
ぞうか(n,vs) increase/addition/(P)/
ぞうふくき (n) amplifier/
ぞうしょくろ (n) fast breeder reactor/(P)/
ぞうぶん(n) incremental/
ぞうふく(n) amplification (elec)/
ぞうさん(n) production increase/(P)/
ぞうはい(n) increased ration/increased dividend/
ぞうぜい(n) tax increase/(P)/
ぞうかぶん increment/
ぞうしょく(n,vs) increase/multiplication/propagation/(P)/
増やすふやす(v5s,vt) to increase/to add to/to augment/(P)/
ぞうだいごう an enlarged issue/
ぞうけつざい (n) blood-forming medicine/hematopoietics/
ぞうさつ(n) additional printing/(P)/
ぞうえき(n) inceased (profit)/
ぞうせつ(n) extension/expansion/
ぞうぜいあん tax increase proposal/
増すます(v5s,vi) to increase/to grow/(P)/
便ぞうびん(n) increase in the number of flights/
ぞうせつりつ expansion rate/growth rate/
ぞうほ(n) enlarging a book/
ぞうしゅう(n) increase in yield/
増しましずりreprinting/additional printing/
ぞうけつ(n) adding train cars/
ぞうきょう(n) augment/reinforce/increase/
ぞうち(n,vs) establishment of more (offices)/
ぞうかりつ (n) rate of increase/
ぞうちょう(n,vs) growing impudent/becoming arrogant/
ぞうしん(n,vs) promoting/increase/advance/(P)/
ぞうていばん enlarged and revised edition/
ぞうはつ(n) increase the number of trains in operation/increase bond issues/
ぞうだい(n,vs) enlargement/(P)/
ぞうげん(n,vs) increase and decrease/fluctuation/(P)/
ぞうえん(n,vs) reinforcement/
ぞうへい(n) military reinforcement/
ぞうかん(n) special edition/
ぞうかんごう special issue/
ぞうがく(n) increased amount/