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Kanji: Radical: Error (Error) : テン; あま、あめ; heaven
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 16 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3442
Japanese Reading English
あまつひつぎimperial throne/
てんし(n) heavenly gift/imperial gift/
天があまがした(n) the whole country/the public/the world/the ruling power/having one's own way/
てぐす (n) silkworm gut/catgut/
てんじつ(n) the sun/sunlight/
てんい(n) providential/natural/
てんじつえん (n) sun-dried salt/
天丼てんどん(n) bowl of rice and fried fish/
てんたいぶんこうじゅつ astronomical spectroscopy/
あまてらすおおみかみ(n) Sun Goddess/Amaterasu Oomikami/
あまぐもclouds in the sky/
あまくだり(n) command to an inferior/
覿てんばつてきめん (n) the certainty of divine punishment/Swift is Heaven's vengeance/
てんらい(adj-no,n) heavenly/divine/inspired/heaven sent/
あめつち(n) heaven and earth/the universe/nature/top and bottom/realm/sphere/world/
てんだいしゅう (n) Tendai sect (of Buddhism)/
てんばくうをいく(v5k-s) to advance unobstructed/
てんぴほう solar-evaporation process (in salt making)/
天翔るあまがける(v5r) to soar/
天つゆてんつゆ(n) sauce for tempura/
てんきつごうweather conditions/
てんめい(n) God's will/karma/destiny/Heaven's decree/one's life/
てんてい(n) nadir/
てんのうせい (n) Uranus (planet)/
てんちしんめい(n) the gods of heaven and earth/
てんのうきかんせつ (n) theory of the Emperor as an organ of government/
てんぺん(n) natural calamity/striking phenomena in heaven and earth/
てんくう(n) sky/air/ether/firmament/
てんちじん (n) heaven and earth and man/
天からりるてんからおりるto fall from heaven (the sky)/
てんもんこうほうcelestial navigation/
天秤てんびん(n) (balance) scales/shoulder carrying pole/steelyard/
てんまく(n) curtain/tent/pavilion/
てんちょう(n) zenith/vertex/(P)/
天狗てんぐばなしboastful story/
てんぐさ(n) agar-agar/
てんけい(n) (divine) revelation/divine oracle/(P)/
てんぶん(n) one's nature/talents/destiny/mission/sphere of activity/
てんしょう(n) weather/astronomical phenomena/
かみきりむし(n) long-horned beetle/
てんねんきねんぶつ (n) natural monument/
てんぴ(n) oven/(waffle) iron/
てんきそうだんじょ (n) weather bureau/
天狗てんぐ(n) long-nosed goblin/braggart/
てんのうEmperor of Japan
てんぺいthe Imperial Army/heaven-send army/
てんのうせい (n) the Emperor System/