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Kanji: Radical: Error (Error) : フ、フウ; おっと; husband
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 164 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3460
Japanese Reading English
みょうとづれ husband and wife travelling together/
ふうふa married couple
おっとhusband (my)
喧嘩ふうふげんかmatrimonial quarrel/
夫のおっとのけんり marital rights/
ふじん(n) wife/Mrs/madam/(P)/
ふうふなか (n) conjugal relations/conjugal affection/
ぶえき(n) slave labour/compulsory service/forced labor/exacted service/
ふくん(n) one's husband/
みょうと(n) married couple/spouses/husband and wife/couple/pair/
ふじんa wife (other's)
夫 にわれるおっとにきらわれる(exp) to lose one's husbands love/
ふうふのわ conjugal harmony/concord between husband and wife/
ふしょうふずい(n) a wife should do her husband's bidding/
ふうふのなかをさく(exp) to bring about marital separation/
ふうふやくそくengagement/betrothal/marriage contract/
めおと(n) married couple/spouses/husband and wife/couple/pair/
ふさい(n) man and wife/married couple/(P)/
ふうふかんけい(n) marital relationship/
ふうふのみち marital virtues/
夫をてるおっとをたてる(exp) to treat one's husband with due respect/
めおとぢゃわん his and her teacups/
ふうふわかれ divorce/separation/
ふうふべっせい(n) (system of) husband and wife retaining separate family names/
おっと(n) (my) husband/(P)/
ふうし(n) term of address for a teacher/Confucius/
夫にえるおっとによくつかえ る(exp) to be devoted (attentive) to one's husband/
ふうふ(n) married couple/spouses/husband and wife/couple/pair/(P)/
ふうふせいかつmarried life/
ふけん(n) husband's marital rights/
ふうふともかせぎdual income/husband and wife both working/
ふうふのえんをむすぶ(exp) to get married/
夫のせのきみone's husband/
ぶやく(n) slave labour/compulsory service/forced labor/exacted service/