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Kanji: Radical: Error (Error) : ホウ、ブ; たてまつ(る); dedicate
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 212 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2559
Japanese Reading English
ほうたい(vs) carrying out the will of one's lord/
ほうこうさき place of employment/
ほうが(n) donation/
ほうかん(n,vs) restoring to the emperor/
ほうがちょう (n) subscription list/
ほうけん(n,vs) dedication/presentation/consecration/offer (to a shrine)/(P)/
奉じるほうじる(v1) to obey/to follow/
ほうが(n) respectful congratulations/
ぶぎょうしょ (n) magistrate's office/
ほうこうぐち (n) place of employment/
奉ずるほうずる(v5z) to present/to dedicate/to obey/to follow/to believe in/to serve/
ほうこうにん (n) servant/employee/
ほうあん(n,vs) enshrine/
ほうげい(n) welcome/
ほうこく(n) report given to deity or nobility/
ほうへい(n,vs) offering a wand with hemp and paper streamers to a Shinto god/
ほうこう(n) service/apprenticeship/public duty/(P)/
ほうそう(n,vs) seeing an emperor off/
奉るまつる(v5r) to offer/to present/to revere/to do respectfully/
ほうはい(n) worship/
奉祀 ほうし(n,vs) enshrine/
奉るたてまつる(v5r) to offer/to present/to revere/to do respectfully/(P)/
ほうのうがく votive tablet/
ほうしひん (n) bargain goods/sale items/
ほうてい(n) dedication/presentation/gift/
ほうしょ(n) high-quality paper/
ぶぎょう(n) magistrate/shogunate administrator/
ほうのうずもうritual sumo matches held at a shrine/
ほうけんしょうoffertory/offertory music/
ほうのうぶつ votive offering/
ほうとう(n) reply to the throne/
ほうし(n,vs) inquiring about (one's health)/(P)/
ほうじ(n,vs) bearing/presenting/holding up (emperor's picture)/
ほうどく(n) respectful reading/
ほうがちょう (n) subscription list/
ほうしゅく(n) celebration/
使ほうへいし imperial messenger to a shrine/envoy returning courtesies/
ほうのう(n) dedication/offering/presentation/oblation/(P)/
ほうげいもん welcome arch/
ほうし(n) attendance/service/(P)/
ほうとう(n) votive lantern/
ほうしょう(n) singing/
ほうけんぶつ votive offering/
奉戴ほうたい(n,vs) having a prince for a president/being the recipient of (an imperial favor)/reverential acceptance/
ほうせん(n) moving an object of worship/
ほうけんしき dedicatory ceremony/
ほうししゃ (n) (1) servant (of the people)/(2) minister (of religion)/
ほうしめ deaconess/
ほうしょく(n,vs) being in the service of/