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Kanji: Radical: (おんな) : ; はじ(める)、はじ(まる); begin
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1208 Index in Halpern dictionary: 281
Japanese Reading English
しきゅうしき (n) (baseball) season-opening ceremony/
始まらないはじまらない(exp) It's no use/
しそちょう (n) archaeopteryx/
始めははじめはat first/in the beginning/
始めましてはじめまして(iK) (exp,int) How do you do?/I am glad to meet you/
しげん(n) start/origin/beginnings/
しそ(n) founder/originator/pioneer/
しどう(n) starting (in machines)/
しじゅう(adv,n) continuously/from beginning to end/(P)/
しまつ(n,vs) management/dealing/settlement/cleaning up afterwards/(P)/
しき(n) beginning period/initial term/
始めはじめ(n-adv,n-t) beginning/start/origin/(P)/
しはつえき (n) starting station/
始めるはじめる(v1,vt) to start/to begin/(P)/
始まるはじまるto begin, to start
始めにはじめにto begin with/first of all/(P)/
しぎょう(n) start of work/commencement/opening/
しはつ(n) first train/(P)/
しまつや (n) thrifty person/
始めからはじめからfrom the beginning/
始めるはじめるto start, to begin
しぎょうしき (n) opening ceremony (of the school term)/
始まりはじまり(n) origin/beginning/(P)/
はじめね(n) opening (stock-market) quotation/
しまつしょ (n) written explanation or apology/
始まるはじまる(v5r,vi) to begin/(P)/