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Kanji: Radical: () : シ、ス; ; child
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 3 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1264 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3390
Japanese Reading English
こがいしゃ (n) subsidiary/
しきゅうがいにんしん (n) ectopic pregnancy/
こもち(n) person with kid(s)/parent/
こどもよう for use by children/
しいんぐん consonant cluster/
げるこどもをがっこう にあげる(exp) to send one's child to school/
こぼんのう (adj-na,n) indulgent/fond/
しそん(n) descendants/posterity/offspring/(P)/
こもりうた (n) lullaby/(P)/
こどもあつかい (n) treating someone like a child/
(n) first sign of Chinese zodiac (The Rat, 11pm-1am, north, November)/
しごせん (n) the meridian/
ほととぎす(n) cuckoo/
しぼう(n) ovary (of plants)/
こうまざ the Colt (star)/
こうし(n) calf/(P)/
してい(n) young(er) people/(P)/
こやく(n) dramatic role for child/child actor/
こども(n) child/children/(P)/
しさいにみる (v1) to look closely/
ししゃく(n) viscount/
こきょく(computer) slave station/
こどもべや(n) child's room/nursery/
こつれtaking one's children along/
こがめん sub-screen/
しいん(n) consonant/
しきゅうがん(n) uterine cancer/
こどもをはらむ (exp) to conceive/to become pregnant/
こどもたち children/
しきゅうきんしゅ fibroid/uterine myoma/
こかぶ(n) (plant's) new bulb/new stocks/
子嚢しのう(n) ascus/seed pod/
しさいをただす (exp) to verify details/
しじょ(n) child/
こうま(n) pony/
じってこどもにまじってあそぶ(exp) to join children at play/
しごかん (n) meridian circle/
(n,n-suf) child/(P)/
みたこどもじみた childish/
こどもふく (n) children's clothing/
こぶん(n) henchman/follower/
しきゅうこうくつretroversion of the uterus/
こどもずれ accompanied by children/
しきゅうけいuterine cervix/
こがい(n) protege/
かるこどもにかかる (exp) to depend on one's children/