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Kanji: Radical: (うかんむり) : シュ、ス; まも(る)、まも(り)、もり; protect
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1282 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2173
Japanese Reading English
しゅごれい guardian spirit/
守りまもりがたな(n) sword for self-defense/
しゅびたい a garrison/
しゅせい(n) (being on the) defensive/
しゅごじん (n) guardian deity/
守りまもり(n) protection/defense/safeguard/charm/talisman/
守るまもる(v5r) to protect/to obey/to guard/to abide (by the rules)/(P)/
しゅびりつ (n) one's fielding average/
しゅしゅ(n) lack of innovation/stupidity/
しゅへい(n) guards/
守りまもりほんぞん (n) guardian deity/
しゅせい(n) building up and maintaining/
やもり(n) (uk) gecko/house lizard/
守りまもりぬく(v5k) to hold fast/to protect to the end/
もりやく(n) a nurse or nanny/guardian/
しゅごしん (n) guardian deity/
しゅえい(n) security guard/doorkeeper/(P)/
しゅびがため (n) making replacements for defensive purposes in the late inning of a game (baseball)/
守りてるもりたてる(v1) to bring up/to support/to rally/
しゅご(n) protection/safeguard/
しゅひぎむいはん(n) abuse of confidentiality/
しゅせん(n) a war of defense/a defensive fight/defensive warfare/
しゅせんど (n) miser/niggard/(P)/
しゅび(n) defense/(P)/
しゅびへい guards/
守 りまもりふだ(n) paper charm or talisman/
もり(n) nursemaid/baby-sitting/(P)/
守りまもりがみ(n) guardian deity/
使しゅごてんしguardian angel/
しゅきゅう(n) conservatism/