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Kanji: Radical: (うかんむり) : カン; ; complete
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1288 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2201
Japanese Reading English
かんじゅく(n) completely ripe or mature/
かんぷう(n) complete blockade (seal)/baseball shutout/
かんぜんむけつ(adj-na,n) flawless/absolute perfection/
かんぜんはんざい(n) perfect crime/
かんこう(n,vs) completion/
かんりょうじせい(grammatical) perfect tense/
かんすい(n) accomplishment/(P)/
かんとう(n,vs) going the whole distance/pitching a whole game/
かんぜんじあい(n) perfect game/
かんのう(n) full payment or delivery/
かんび(n) perfection/completion/
かんけつぶん sentence/
かんけつ(n) conclusion/completion/(P)/
かんせい(n,vs) (1) complete/completion/(2) perfection/accomplishment/(P)/
きまでかんぷなきまで (adv) complete/thorough/
かんぜん(adj-na,n) perfection/completeness/(P)/
かんぜんしあい(n) perfect game/
かんけつへん (n) concluding episode of a series/concluding volume (part) (e.g. of novel)/
かんぜんこようfull employment/
かんばい(n,vs) sold out/
かんせいひん finished product/
かんりょう(n,vs) completion/conclusion/(P)/
かんそう(n,vs) running the race/staying the course/
かんべき(iK) (ik) (adj-na) perfection/completeness/flawless/
完璧 かんぺき(adj-na,n) perfection/completeness/flawless/(P)/
かんしょう(n,vs) complete victory/
完ぺきかんぺき(adj-na,n) perfection/completeness/flawless/
なきまでかんぷなきまで(adv) completely/thoroughly/(P)/
コピーかんぜんコピーexact copy/
かんぜんしゅぎしゃ perfectionist/
かんぜんねんしょう(n) perfect combustion/
かんやく(n) complete translation/
かんりょうご after completion/
き迄かんぷなきまで (adv) (uk) completely/thoroughly/
かんぽん(n) complete set (of books)/
かんぱい(n) complete defeat/(P)/
かんち(n,vs) complete recovery/
かんさい(n) full payment/liquidation/