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Kanji: Radical: (うかんむり) : シュウ、ソウ; ; religion, sect
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1294 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2228
Japanese Reading English
しゅうそ(n) sect founder/(P)/
しゅうきょうだんたいreligious group/
しゅうきょうしん piety/
宗廟 そうびょう(n) ancestral shrine (temple)/mausoleum (of one's ancestors)/Imperial mausoleum/
しゅうきょうかいかくthe Reformation/
しゅうきょうてきどくりつせいreligious independence/
しゅうと(n) believer/follower/(P)/
しゅうきょうさいばんthe Inquisition/
そうほう(historical) regulations governing Chinese religious observances and social order/
しゅうもん(n) doctrine/creed/sect/(P)/
そうぞく(n) one's family or clan/
しゅうきょうきょういく(n) religious education/
そうしゅ(n) suzerain/
しゅうむ(n) religious matters/
しゅうきょう(n) religion/(P)/
そうけ(n) head of family/originator/(P)/
そうしゅこく (n) suzerain state/state that controls another in international affairs, but allows it domestic sovereignty/
しゅうき(n) religious regulations/
しゅうきょうが (n) religious painting or picture/
しゅうきょうか (n) religionist/
しゅうは(n) sect/denomination/(P)/
しゅうもんあらため (defunct, Japanese) religious census/
そうしょう(n) master/teacher/(P)/
そうしゅけん (n) suzerainty/
しゅうきょうげき (n) religious drama/a miracle play/
しゅうきょうほうじん(n) religious organization/
しゅうし(n) tenets (doctrines) of a religious sect/(religious) sect/
しゅうきょうてつがくphilosophy of religion/
しゅうきょうがく (n) the study or science of religion/