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Kanji: Radical: (うかんむり) : カン; ; government
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1295 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2226
Japanese Reading English
かんぽう(n) official daily gazette/official telegram/
かんちょう(n) government office/authorities/(P)/
かんきゅうひん fluorescent light bulb/
かんかい(n) bureaucracy/
かんせい(n) government-regulated organization or facility etc./
かんのうてき (adj-na) sensual/voluptuous/sexy/
かんせい(n) government-manufactured/
かんりょうしゅう smack of the bureaucrat/
かんぴ(n) government expense/
かんい(n) office and rank/an official rank/
かんしゃ(n) official residence/
かんけん(n) officials/authorities/(P)/
かんりょうか bureaucratization/
かんきゅうひん government-issued goods/
かんよう(n) official use/government business/
かんようgovernmental porcelain furnace/
かんこうり (n) officialdom/
かんぴりゅうがくstudying abroad at government expense/
かんきん(n) government funds/
かんしょく(n) government service/
かんりょうしゅぎしゃ bureaucrat/
かんり(n) government official/clerk/(P)/
かんとう(n) official rank/
かんせん(n) government-appointed/
かんそんみんぴ(n) respecting the authorities and denigrating ordinary citizens/
かんこうちょう (n) government administration office/
かんゆう(n) government-owned/
かんめい(n) official position or title/
かんぺん(n) government or official circles/official quarters/
かんじ(n) government business/
かんぼうちょう (n) Chief Cabinet Secretary/(P)/
かんせいはがき(n) official (government) postcard/postal card/
かんきゅう(n) government supply or issue/
かんぎょう(n) government-run enterprise/
かんりつ(n) national/governmental/
かんりょうせいじbureaucratic government/
かんき(n) rules which officials must follow/
かんじょ(n) court lady/
かんいん(n) official seal/
かんぼうちょうかん Chief Cabinet Secretary/(P)/
かんぴりゅうがくせい student studying abroad at government expense/
かんめい(n) official orders/
かんけん(n) governmental authority/
かんてい(n) official residence/(P)/
官とかんとみんのきょうりょくcooperation between the private and public sectors/
かんぐん(n) government army/
かんわ(n) the Mandarin language/
かんぼう(n) government secretariat/
かんえい(n) government management/