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Kanji: Radical: (うかんむり) : キュウ、ク、グウ; みや; palace
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1310 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2274
Japanese Reading English
きゅうじょう(n) Imperial Palace/(P)/
みやびと(n) (noble) courtier/
みやさまおふたところtwo Imperial princes/
きゅうしつ(n) palace/imperial family/
きゅうてい(n) the Court/(P)/
くないしょう (n) (obs) the Imperial Household Department/
きゅうていがか(n) court painter/
みやさま(n) prince/princess/
きゅうちゅう(n) imperial court/
みやぎけん prefecture in the Touhoku area/(P)/
みやたけ the Miyata family/
みやまいり(n) shrine visit/(P)/
殿きゅうでん(n) palace/(P)/
きゅうていおんがくcourt music/
みやづかえ(n) court service/
みやもり(n) court or shrine guard/
みやけ(n) residence or family of a prince/
くないちょう Imperial Household Agency/
ぐうじ(n) (Shinto) chief priest/
きゅうていthe Palace/the Court/
みやい(n) shrine/imperial palace/
きゅうけい(n) castration/confinement in a palace/
みやざきけん prefecture on the island of Kyuushuu/