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Kanji: Radical: (うかんむり) : シン; ね(る)、ね(かす)、ね(かせる); sleeping
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1326 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2329
Japanese Reading English
ねまき (n) sleep-wear/nightclothes/pyjamas/nightgown/nightdress/(P)/
寝淋しいねさびしいmissing a sleeping companion/
ねこみ(n) asleep (in bed)/sick in bed/
ねなおす(v5s) to go back to bed/
寝そべるねそべる(v5r) to sprawl/to lie sprawled/
えるねちがえる(v1) to sleep in an awkward position and wake with a crick in one's neck/
寝つきねつき(n) quality (ease, difficulty) of one's sleep/
寝ぼけるねぼける(v1) to be half asleep/to be still only half awake/(P)/
殿しんでん(n) (historical) main residence of an emperor/
ねころぶ(v5b) (uk) to lie down/to throw oneself down/(P)/
ねわざ(n) (1) (in wrestling or judo) pinning technique/(2) underhanded dealings/
しんぐるい bedding/(P)/
殿しんでんづくり (n) in the manner of Heian era palatial architecture/
ねがえる(v5r) to change sides/to double-cross/to betray/(P)/
寝惚けるねぼける(v1) to be half asleep/to be still only half awake/
しんだいれっしゃ(n) sleeper train/
寝るねるlie down; go to bed
ねまき(n) sleep-wear/nightclothes/pyjamas/nightgown/nightdress/(P)/
ねつく(v5k) to go to bed/(P)/
寝かせるねかせる(v1) to put to bed/to lay down/to ferment/(P)/
寝るねるじかん bedtime/
ねどうぐ (n) bedding/
ねおき(n) ability to wake up/
ねいる(v5r) to fall asleep/
ねげしょう (n) removal of make-up before going to sleep/
ねざめ(n) awaken/
ねいき(n) sleeper's breathing/(P)/
ねだい(n) bed/couch/
ねくび(n) head of a sleeping person/
ねつき(n) quality (ease, difficulty) of one's sleep/(P)/
ねま(n) bedroom/
ねまき(n) sleep-wear/nightclothes/pyjamas/nightgown/nightdress/(P)/
寝たきりねたきりろうじん (n) bedridden senior citizen/
ねどこ(n) bed/(P)/
ねたばこ (n) smoking in bed/
寝惚けねぼけ(n) half-asleep/
しいねぐるしい(adj) unable to sleep well/(P)/
寝るねる(v1) to go to bed/to lie down/to sleep/(P)/
ねびえ(n) get chilled while asleep/(P)/
ねざけ(n) nightcap/a drink before sleeping/
れるねわすれる(v1) to oversleep/
ねぐいliving in idleness/
ねがお(n) sleeping face/(P)/
寝にしんにつく(exp) to go to bed/
けすねつけす(v5) to put (someone) to bed/
姿ねすがた(n) one's figure during sleep/
ねみだれがみ (n) hair messed up in sleep/
ねそこなう(io) (v5u) to miss a chance to sleep/to be wakeful/
ねわざし (n) underhanded or Machiavelli-like person/