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Kanji: Radical: (すん) : シャ; い(る); shoot
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4603 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1458
Japanese Reading English
しゃさつ(n,vs) shooting to death/(P)/
射倖しゃこうしん(n) speculative spirit/
しゃほう(n) archery/
めるいとめる(v1) to shoot dead/to make something one's own/
しゃげきのゆうせんじゅんいpriority of fires/
射倖しゃこう(n) speculation/
しゃこう(n) speculation/
しゃりしん mercenary spirit/mind oriented to money-making/
しゃじょう(n) rifle or shooting range/archery range or ground/
しゃえい(n) projection (math)/
しゃせい(n,vs) ejaculation/
しゃてい(n) rifle range/
しゃこうしん (n) speculative spirit/
なういそこなう(v5u) to shoot and miss/
しゃしゅつ(n,vs) shooting/emitting/
いて(n) archer/shooter/bowman/
射るいる(v1) to shoot/(P)/
けるいかける(v1) to shoot or fire off an arrow/
射をしゃをまなぶ(exp) to learn archery/
とすいおとす(v5s) to shoot down/to win/to gain/
いとおす(v5s) to pierce/to penetrate/
いころす(v5s) to shoot a person to death/
しゃり(n) love of easy money/
しゃしゅ(n) archer/shooter/bowman/
しゃげきじょう rifle or shooting range/
しゃげき(n,vs) firing/shooting/fire/gunshot/marksmanship/
いかえす(v5s) to return fire/to shoot back/
射つうつ(iK) (v5t) to attack/to avenge/
いてざ (n) Sagittarius/bowman's seat/firing seat/
しゃかく(n) angle of fire/
射竦めるいすくめる(v1) to pin the enemy down/to glare another down (and render impotent)/
しゃばくじょう (n) place for an airplane to take target practice/
しゃてき(n) target practice/
射すさす(v5s) to shine/to strike/(P)/
しゃてきじょう rifle range/
しゃげききんしちいきno fire area/
いぬく(v5k) to shoot through/