尊信 | そんしん | (n,vs) reverence/ |
尊上 | そんじょう | (n) one's superior/ |
尊称 | そんしょう | (n) honorary title/(P)/ |
尊来 | そんらい | (n) your visit/ |
命 | そんめい | (n) your order/ |
| そん | precious/valuable/priceless/noble/exalted/sacred/ |
尊像 | そんぞう | (n) statue of a noble character/your picture/ |
尊号 | そんごう | (n) honorary title/title of honour/ |
尊族 | そんぞく | (n) direct ancestors/noble ancestors/ |
尊顔 | そんがん | (n) your countenance/ |
尊影 | せいえい | (n) (pol) portrait/ |
尊王攘夷 | そんのうじょうい | reverence for the emperor and the expulsion of the
barbarians/ |
尊皇王 | そんのう
| (n) reverence for the emperor/advocate of
imperial rule/ |
尊影 | そんえい | (n) (pol) portrait/ |
尊父 | そんぷ | (n) your father/ |
皇攘夷 | そんのうじょうい | 19th century slogan advocating reverence for the Emperor
and the expulsion of (barbarian) foreigners/ |
尊い高齢 | たっといこうれい
| sacred old age/ |
尊重 | そんちょう | (n) respect/esteem/regard/(P)/ |
尊意 | そんい | (n) your idea/ |
貴 | そんき | (adj-na,n) noble (person)/ |
尊皇王攘夷 | そんのうじょうい
| 19th century slogan advocating reverence for
the Emperor and the expulsion of (barbarian) foreigners/ |
尊公 | そんこう | (n) (pol) you/your father/ |
尊属 | そんぞく | (n) direct ancestors/noble ancestors/ |
尊名 | そんめい | (n) your name/ |
| たっとい | (adj)
precious/valuable/priceless/noble/exalted/sacred/(P)/ |
尊者 | そんじゃ | (n) Buddhist saint/man of high repute/guest of
honor/ |
尊家 | そんか | (n) your house/ |
大 | そんだい | (adj-na,n)
haughtiness/pomposity/self-sufficiency/(P)/ |
尊属殺人 | そんぞくさつじん | patricide/parricide/matricide/ |
尊長 | そんちょう | (n) one's superiors/one's seniors/ |
尊兄 | そんけい | (n) (pol) an elder brother/elderly person/ |
尊ぶ | とうとぶ | (v5b) to value/to prize/to esteem/(P)/ |
尊堂 | そんどう | (n) your family/your mother/ |
尊王党 | そんのうとう
| Imperialists/ |
尊厳 | そんげん | (adj-na,n) dignity/majesty/sanctity/(P)/ |
尊書 | そんしょ | (n) (pol) someone's letter/ |
尊厳死 | そんげんし
| (n) death with dignity/ |
尊簡 | そんかん | (n) (pol) someone's letter/ |
尊敬 | そんけい | (n,vs) respect/esteem/reverence/honour/(P)/ |
尊卑 | そんぴ | (n) high and low/aristocrat and plebeian/ |
尊皇 | そんのう | (n) reverence for the emperor/advocate of imperial
rule/ |
尊敬語 | そんけいご
| (n) honorific language/ |
尊慮 | そんりょ | (n) your will/your idea/ |
尊王 | そんのう | (n) reverence for the emperor/advocate of imperial
rule/ |
尊 | み
こと | (n) lord/prince/words of a
ruler/ |
尊容 | そんよう | (n) your countenance/ |
尊王討幕 | そんのうとうばく | reverence for the emperor and the overthrow of the
shogunate/ |
尊体 | そんたい | (n) your health/(Buddhist) image/ |
尊下 | そんか | Obediently yours/ |
尊王家 | そんのうか
| Royalists/ |