The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
尚早 | しょうそう | (adj-na,n) prematurity/(P)/ |
尚の事 | なおのこと | (adv,exp) all the more/still more/ |
尚以て | なおもって | (adv) all the more/ |
尚又 | なおまた | (adv) further/besides/moreover/ |
尚武 | しょうぶ | (n) militarism/warlike spirit/(P)/ |
尚尚 | なおなお | (adv) all the more/ |
尚更 | なおさら | (adv) all the more/still less/(P)/ |
尚且つ | なおかつ | (adv) besides/and yet/ |
尚 | なお | (adv,conj) (uk) furthermore/still/yet/more/still more/greater/further/less/(P)/ |
尚古 | しょうこ | (n) respect for olden days/ |