The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
尺 | しゃく | (n) a measure/a rule/a scale/length/(P)/ |
尺を当てる | しゃくをあてる | (exp) to measure with a rule/ |
尺を取る | しゃくをとる | (exp) to measure (the length)/ |
尺八 | しゃくはち | (n) (1) bamboo flute/(2) (X) (vulg) oral sex/fellatio/(P)/ |
尺地 | しゃくち | (n) small plot of land/ |
尺貫法 | しゃっかんほう | (n) (obs) Japanese system of weights and measures/(P)/ |
尺骨 | しゃっこつ | (n) the ulna/ |
尺取り虫 | しゃくとりむし | (n) inchworm/ |
尺度 | しゃくど | (n) linear measure/scale/(P)/ |
尺寸 | せきすん | (n) (something) tiny/trifle/ |
尺寸 | しゃくすん | (n) (something) tiny/trifle/ |