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Kanji: Radical: (しかばね) : ジン; つ(くす)、つ(きる)、つ(かす); exhaust
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1380 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3050
Japanese Reading English
尽かすつかす(v5s) to be disgusted with/to give up on/(P)/
尽きるつきる(v1) to be used up/to be run out/to be exhausted/to be consumed/to come to an end/(P)/
じんちゅうほうこくloyalty and patriotism/
じんじつ(n-adv,n-t) last day of the month (year)/New Year's Eve/all day long/
じんりょく(n) efforts/assistance/(P)/
じんちゅう(n) loyalty/
尽きてるつきはてる(v1) to be exhausted/
尽くすつくす(v5s) to exhaust/to run out/to serve (a person)/to befriend/(P)/
尽瘁じんすい(n) giving one's all to/
じんみらい (n) eternally/forever/