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Kanji: Radical: (しかばね) : キョ; い(る); reside
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1387 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3080
Japanese Reading English
がよいいごこちがよい comfortable (to live in)/snug/cosy/
きょじゅうしょうめい しょ(n) certificate of residence/
きょしょ(n) whereabouts/address/
きょぜん(adj-na,n) being calm or at rest/having nothing to do/
いあどう the art of drawing the Japanese longsword/
いま(n) living room (western style)/(P)/
いしき(n) kimono seat lining/
いごこちがわるいuncomfortable/ill at ease/not feel at home/
いるす (n) pretending to be out/
いねむりうんてんfalling asleep at the wheel/
わせるいあわせる(v1) to happen to be present/(P)/
きょじゅうすいじゅんhousing standards/
いあいぬき (n) while on one knee, drawing a sword and slashing one's opponent/
いそうろう(n) lodger who pays nothing for room and board/freeloader/sponger/(P)/
いなおる(v5r) to sit up properly straight/to become aggressive/
のよいいごこちのよい snug/
いすわる(v5r) to remain/
こじ(n) a lay Buddhist/
きょじゅうけん (n) the right of residence/
居をえるきょをかまえる(exp) to take up one's residence/
きょじゅうしゃ resident/inhabitant/
きょじゅうせい (n) liveability/livability/
いざいそく (n) refusing to leave/
きょじょう(n) castle of a daimyo/
いまliving room
きょりゅうみん (n) a resident/
いざかや (n) bar/pub/tavern/(P)/
いまけんしょくどう living room-cum-dining room/
いつく(v5k) to settle down/
いたけだか (adj-na,n) high-handed/overbearing/
いねむり(n,vs) dozing/nodding off/(P)/
きょじょう(n-adv,n-t) daily life/
きょじゅうち (n) residence/address/(P)/
いまけんしんしつ living room and bedroom/bed-sitter/(P)/
いまち(n) sitting while waiting/(according to the lunar calendar) an eighteen-day-old moon/
いぐい(n) living in idleness/
居乍らいながら(adv) from where one sits/while sitting by/
きょりゅうち (n) foreign settlement/concession/
いならぶ(v5b) to sit in a row/to be arrayed/
きょじゅう(n) residence/(P)/
きょしつ(n) living room/
いどころ(n) whereabouts/address/
いずまい(n) one's seated posture/
きょりゅう(n,vs) residence/reside/
いのこり(n) detention/
たるきょぜんたる(adj-t) doing nothing/still/
いすわり(n) remaining/
いのこる(v5r) to stay behind/to remain/to work overtime/
いごこち (n) comfort/