屈従 | くつじゅう | (n) servile submission/subservience/ |
屈折 | くっせつ | (n) bending/indentation/refraction/(P)/ |
屈服 | くっぷく | (n,vs) yielding/submission/surrender/giving
way/succumbing/ |
屈託の無い | くったくのない
| carefree/free from worry/ |
屈指 | くっし | (adj-no,n) leading/foremost/preeminent/outstanding/one
of the best/ |
屈曲部 | くっきょくぶ
| (n) elbow/elbow-shaped bend/ |
屈折率 | くっせつりつ
| (n) refractive index/ |
屈光性 | くっこうせい
| (n) phototropism/ |
屈み込む | かがみこむ | (v5m) to lean over/to lean in/ |
屈伸 | くっしん | (n) elasticity/ |
辱的 | くつじょくてき
| humiliating/ |
屈む | かがむ | (v5m) to stoop/to lean over/ |
屈託 | くったく | (n) worry/care/ |
折軸 | くっせつじく
| axis of refraction/ |
屈地性 | くっちせい
| (n) geotropism/ |
屈曲 | くっきょく | (n) be crooked/bent/indented/(P)/ |
屈辱 | くつじょく | (n) (a) disgrace/humiliation/(P)/ |
屈強 | くっきょう | (adj-na,n) robust
(health)/obstinate/sturdy/muscular/ |
| くっする | (vs-s) to
yield/to bend/to be daunted/to shrink/ |
託のない | くったくのない | carefree/free from worry/ |
屈める | かがめる | (v1) (uk) to stoop/to bend/ |
屈折語 | くっせつご
| (n) an inflected language/ |
屈筋 | くっきん | (n) flexor muscle/ |
屈伏 | くっぷく | (n,vs) yielding/submission/surrender/giving
way/succumbing/ |
屈折望遠鏡 | くっせつぼうえんきょう
| refracting telescope/ |
屈折角 | くっせつかく
| (n) angle of refraction/ |