属領 | ぞくりょう | (n) possession/dependency/territory/dominion/ |
属望 | しょくぼう | (n,vs) (having great) expectation/pinning one's hopes
on/ |
属性 | ぞくせい | (n) attribute/context/ |
属格 | ぞっかく | (n) (grammatical) genitive case/ |
属差 | ぞくさ | generic difference/ |
属僚 | ぞくりょう | (n) a subordinate (official)/ |
属官 | ぞっかん | (n) subordinate official/government clerk/ |
属する | ぞくする | (vs-s) to belong to/to come under/to be affiliated
with/to be subject to/(P)/ |
属託 | しょくたく | (n,vs) entrusting with/ |
属地主義 | ぞくちしゅぎ | the principle of territorial jurisdiction/ |
属吏 | ぞくり | (n) a subordinate (official)/ |
属島 | ぞくとう | (n) an island belonging to a political entity/ |
属目 | しょくもく | (n,vs) paying attention to/catching one's eye/ |
属名 | ぞくめい | (n) generic name (business)/ |
属性値 | ぞくせいち
| (n) property-value/ |
属性値行列 | ぞくせぎょうれつ
| attribute-value matrix/AVM/ |
属国 | ぞっこく | (n) vassal state or nation/dependency/ |
属人主義 | ぞくじんしゅぎ | the principle of nationality (according to which an
offender should be tried in accordance with the law of his or her own
country)/ |