The Yamasa Institute - オンライン日本語学習 - Online Kanji Dictionary |
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Japanese | Reading | English |
履物 | はきもの | (n) footwear/clogs/(P)/ |
履き替える | はきかえる | (v1) to change (clothes)/ |
履修 | りしゅう | (n,vs) taking a class/studying a subject/completing a course/ |
履き違える | はきちがえる | (v1) to put on anothers shoes/to be mistaken/ |
履行 | りこう | (n) performance/fulfillment/discharge/implementation/(P)/ |
履き物 | はきもの | (n) footwear/clogs/(P)/ |
履歴書 | りれきしょ | (n) personal history/curriculum vitae/resume/(P)/ |
履く | はく | (v5k) to wear/to put on (lower body)/(P)/ |
履き古し | はきふるし | worn-out shoes/worn-out socks/(P)/ |
履歴 | りれき | (n) personal history/background/career/log/(P)/ |