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Kanji: Radical: (まがりがわ) : ジュン; めぐ(る)、めぐ(り); going around
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4667 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3047
Japanese Reading English
巡らすめぐらす(v5s) to enclose (with)/to surround (with)/to encircle/to think over/to work out/
巡り逢う めぐりあう(oK) (v5u) to meet fortuitously (poet)/to meet by chance/to happen across/
じゅんぱい(n,vs) circuit pilgrimage/
じゅんようかん (n) cruiser/
じゅんしてい patrol boat/(P)/
じゅんし(n) inspection tour/(P)/
巡錫じゅんしゃく(n) preaching tour/
じゅんれいしゃ pilgrim/
じゅんれき(n,vs) itinerancy/tour/trip/
じゅんさつ(n,vs) (making) a round of inspection/patrolling/
じゅんこうせん cruiser/
じゅんこう(n,vs) patrol/
巡り めぐりあう(v5u) to meet fortuitously (poet)/to meet by chance/to happen across/
じゅんかい(n,vs) going around/patrol/round/tour/(P)/
巡邏じゅんら(n) patrolling/making one's rounds/
巡りめぐりあう(v5u) to meet fortuitously (poet)/to meet by chance/to happen across/(P)/
じゅんこう(n,vs) Imperial tour/royal progress/
じゅんぎょう(n) provincial tour/(P)/
じゅんさちょう (n) head patrol officer/
じゅんゆう(n) a tour/
巡りめぐりあい(n) chance meeting/
じゅんこう(n,vs) cruise/cruising/(P)/
じゅんさ(n) police/policeman/(P)/
じゅんこうそくど(n) cruising speed/
巡りめぐりあるくto walk around/to travel around/
じゅんえん(n) performance tour/
じゅんらん(n) a tour/
じゅんれい(n) pilgrimage/(P)/
じゅんかいしんりょう じょtraveling clinic/
じゅんしせん (n) patrol boat/
巡りわせめぐりあわせ(n) fate/chance/
じゅんかいとしょかん bookmobile/
じゅんしゅ(n,vs) Imperial visit/
じゅんさぶちょうpolice sergeant/
巡 るめぐる(v5r) to go around/(P)/
じゅんけん(n) inspection tour/